"Just the weekend then he's gone."-Sabriel

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Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Cas here sorry its been so long i will give an explanation at the end. But anyways ^ that is what Sam and Gabe look like in this one shot imma say they are about 16 or so kk? so woo lets do this. Oh and just a warning to any of those innocent people they make out so yeah.

"It's just for the weekend." Sam said to himself. "Just the weekend then he's gone."

Mary, Sam's mother had just announced that the most annoying kid in school would be staying an their house for the night.

Sam has always found Gabriel annoying. Ever since grade school. From all those annoying pranks to his weird obsession with candy, everything about him annoyed Sam.

To take his mind off of that he layed on his bed and began to read 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children'.

After about an hour of reading Sam had tuned out everything in the real world and was engulfed in the fantasy realm of Peculiar Children and monsters. So engulfed in fact that he did not hear someone come into his room and drop a bag on the floor.

"Heya Sammy!" The voice pulled Sam from the sweet escape from within the pages of the book. He groaned and looked at the shorter boy with golden hair that seemed to glow like a halo in the sunlight that was still coming through the window. "Hello Gabriel." He said with a monotone voice.

Gabe sat on the bed and leaned back against the wall. "Umm do you mind?" Sam asked annoyed.

"Nope, not at all." The golden haired boy pulled a sucker out of what seemed to be nowhere. Sam rolled his eyes and started reading again.

After a few minutes Gabriel started moving around and making obnoxious noises. Sam was doing his best to concentrate on his book, but the moment Gabe made a weird, inhuman screehing noise Sam lost it. "OH MY FREAKING GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Gabe laughed. "Wow moose what's with the profanity? I thought you were a 'goody goody'."

Sam took a deep breath to calm hinself and got off of the bed. "Im gonna go shower. Don't! Touch anything!"  He gathered his things and walked to the restroom.

He turned on the water and made sure it was the right temperature before stripping himself of his clothes and stepping in. The warm water felt like heaven on his skin.

He took his time washing his thick, brown hair. More time away for that heathen out there. (TØP reference anyone?) Sam thought to himself.

He was enjoying the warmth of the water spraying over him, but alas all good things must come to an end. He pulled back the white curtain and took a breath, the wet, warm air filling his lungs.

He picked up his towel and dried of his body. He slipped on some blue pajama bottoms and dried his mop of hair before walking out of the bathroom and into his room.

Gabe was sitting on Sam's bed, looking at his phone. He looked up when Sam closed the door and walked to his dresser. Gabe couldn't help but to stare at Sam, those pajama pants just fit his ass perfectly.

Sam grabbed a brush and pulled it though his hair. He turned to look at Gabe. Gabriel didn't even try to hide the fact he was staring at Sam's ass.

"W-were you just staring at my ass Gabriel?" Sam questioned quickly.

Gabe smirked and gave a slow nod. "Oh you know it moose." Sam blushed at this. "Umm, w-why would you do that? You're straight."

Gabe gave a small chuckle and raised an eyebrow. "Sam im as straight as a rainbow slinky, and from what ive heard so are you."

Sam nodded, that was all he managed to do. Sure it was true but he didn't think everyone knew, he only told his family and his friends. Maybe someone overheard?

"Yo, sammich you still in there?" Gabe said waving a hand. Sam jumped slightly. "Yeah sorry."

He walked over to his bed and sat down in his original spot. He started to pick up his book but Gabriel put his hand on it. "C'com its a weekend Sam let's do something fun." Gabe whined.

Sam pushed his hand off. "Reading is fun." He found his bookmark and turned to the page where he left off.

Gabe crossed his arms and sat back, pouting. He glanced at the brown headed boy, who had an adorable smile on his face.

He is absolutely adorable. Gabriel thought to himself. A smile crept onto his face as he got an idea.

He ever so slightly moved towards Sam, being extra carful not to disturb his reading. A few times Sam glanced up at him but didn't seem to notice he was getting closer.

Once Gabe was close enough he quickly pushed the book down and pressed his lips to Sam's.

Sam's eyes widened in surpise, but they quickly fluttered closed as he melted into Gabriel's lips.

After a few minutes of just kissing, Sam pulled back for a breath and pulled Gabe onto his lap. Gabe squeaked slightly at the movement.

Sam quickly reconnected their lips, not wanting them to be apart any longer than they had to be. With a sudden burst of confidence from the shy boy, Sam licked Gabe's lips, asking for entrance.

Gabe smirked against Sam's lips and snapped his teeth shut. Sam growled quietly in frustration. He moved his hands slowly down Gabe's back and to his ass. He gave it a small squeeze making Gabe gasp slightly, Sam took the opportunity to shove his tounge into Gabe's mouth.

Gabe let out a slight moan and moved his hands to Sam's hair, pulling slightly. Sam pushed Gabriel off of his lap and onto the bed. He pulled away and took off Gabe's shirt,throwing it across the room.

Just as things started to get really heated the door opened. "Jesus Christ! Is every guy in this house having sex!? First Dean and Cas, now you guys too!?!" John, Sam's dad said.

Sam and Gabe quickly pulled apart from each other with flustered faces. John chuckled, shaking his head playfully and clased the door. "USE PROTECTION BOYS!" He yelled as he walked away, making Sam blush viciously.

Gabe chuckled and crawled onto Sam's lap. "Now where were we."

Heyo peoples of Earth! Yeah im sorry this took so long BLAME SCHOOL! SCHOOL IS A BITCH! I will try my hardest to post faster i swear. I wove you peoples peaces!

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