The New Boy-Michifer AU (Part 2)

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Just a quick little n0te that is what Michael's tattoo l00ks like!

Michael laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling of his room going through the events that happened that day. He got his tattoo, and he didn't know what to do about it. He knew everyone got them eventually, but why today?

The blue eyed boy shot up in his bed, slipping his sleeve down as he heard a knock on his door. "Come in!" He replied in a shaky voice.

His father, Chuck, came through the door and sat on the edge of his bed. "Hey son, how was school?" The man asked.

Michael cleared his throat, "uh, great! Great as always!"

Chuck raised a brow as Michael pulled his knees to his chest nervously. "I noticed you were acting strange when you came home today. Is there something you want to tell me?"

Michael shook his head vigorously as the blond boy from today popped into his head. Chuck smiled slightly. "Michael..." He pressed, "you know you can tell me anything."

Michael looked down, his raven black hair falling in his face. "Dad," he started, "did it...did it hurt...when you got your tattoo?"

Chuck smiled widely, "a little, but it's supposed to. It symbolizes that love can hurt, but in the end as you fall for your soulmate it's worth it. Why?"

Michael blushed, "n-no reason I just...I-I was asking for a friend 'cause he got his today and-"

"Michael, where is it?"

The seventeen year old blushed harder. "On my forearm," he mumbled loud enough for Chuck to hear. Michael lifted his dark blue jacket sleeve to reveal the little cartoon devil on his left arm.

"Well," Chuck said laughing a little, "your soulmate sure is interesting."

Michael punched his dad's arm and glanced at the faded tattoo on Chuck's collar bone. That's what happened when your soulmate died, the tattoo fades, but never disappears. Chuck smiled and patted Michael on the shoulder, "you'll do fine Michael. It scared and embarrassed me at first too, but you'll see soon enough why it's so worth it."

Chuck presses his lips to Michael's temple before exiting the room leaving Michael to his thoughts once again. Every once in awhile that hot guy, Lucifer was his name if Michael remembered correctly, would pass through his mind.

Was it just his imagination, or did he really see the same tattoo on his arm? Was that punk really his soulmate? Michael couldn't see why, they were complete opposites.

He was a punk, Michael was a nerd.

Even if he did want that cute blond punk to notice him, he was way out of Michael's league. Yet, Michael couldn't help biting his lip at the thought of that boy placing his lips on his own. Lucifer's hands caressing his body as he whispered loving things in his ear, being totally out of character. Michael was snapped out of his thoughts once more as there was another knock on the door.

Gabriel burst through the door and jumped onto Michael. "Hey bro, I'm bored."

"Good for you!" Michael groaned. "Now get off!" He said throwing Gabriel onto the floor.

"Soooo, I over heard your conversation with Dad. You find out who your boyfriend is yet?" Gabriel said pulling a sucker out of his pocket and sticking it in his mouth.

"SHUT UP GABE!" Michael shouted blushing.  He stood up and grabbed his wallet, "I'm going to the gas station. You want anything?"

"You could refill my candy stash." Michael rolled his eyes and told Gabriel that he'd be back in an hour.

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