Thanksgiving With Psych0paths

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(It's Sam aka H0mestuckDbzL0ver with a Thanksgiving special! The part ab0ut the f00tball game actually happened with my Dad and his girlfriend's family XD


"What do you mean you don't do holidays?" Those are the words Castiel Novak directed toward his best friend, Dean Winchester.

"I mean that my family isn't really the holiday type, so we don't really celebrate all that extravagantly."

"What do you usually do?"

"Well my uncle Bobby and Aunt Ellen usually come over with their daughter Jo. We eat for a bit, talk, catch up, then they stay until the next afternoon and leave. It's pretty much the same every year."

"Well you could always come over you know. My family loves you guys."

"Thanks for the offer Cas, but I can't impose. Holidays are family time and-"

"You, Sam, and Adam are family Dean. Just know you're welcome anytime alright? And plus, my mom makes a mean pie."

Dean chuckled, "trying to bribe me with pie Novak?"

Cas laughed too, "depends, is it working?"

"A little. How about this: I'll consider it. If my plans change and nothing's going on, I'll bring my brothers over. Deal?"

"If you do come over, bring you're dad too. The more the merrier!"

"You are way too happy for a normal human being," Dean smiled and hugged his friend, "I'll see you sometime during break."

The school had just let out for Thanksgiving break, and Dean was on his way to pick up Sam. "Plan on it," Cas said hugging back.

Dean savored that hug.

~~~~~The Winchester H0useh0ld: Thanksgiving Day~~~~~

"Dean! Sammy! Adam! Get down here!" John called from the kitchen.

The boys raced down the stairs. "Yeah Dad?"

"Bobby just called, they're not gonna be able to make it for Thanksgiving this year. And I was thinking that since we don't have any plans, I was wondering if you boys wanted to go somewhere?"

Sam smiled, "can we go to the Novak's? Dean's boyfriend invited us."

Dean turned pink. "He's not my boyfriend!" He turns to John, "but yes, he did invite us."

"Well call him up and tell him we'll be there in a bit," Dean whipped out his phone to call Cas, "oh and make sure to ask what kind of attire we should wear."

Dean nodded as Cas picked up, "what's up Dean?"

"What kind of attire should we wear when we come over?"

"You're coming over?" Cas said sounding excited.

"Yeah, my aunt and uncle aren't gonna make it this year and we have no plans."

"Sweet. Well anything really. We usually do it casual. You know sweatpants, t-shirts. You could come in pjs if you want. I can't guarantee Gabe won't try to pants you though."

Dean laughed, "sounds like a plan."

"See you soon Dean," Cas laughed with him.

Dean bit his lip as he hung up, "yeah see you soon."

"Dean?" John asked as his son stared at the phone.

Dean jumped, "uh yeah, right. Cas said casual. Sweatpants, t-shirts, pjs. Just be warned, Gabe may pants you."

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