Adamandriel-Awkward Br0ther Meeting

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It's Sam guys h0pe y0u enj0y this. Btw this is based 0ff a Tumblr p0st I saw 0n G00gle. I w0uld sh0w the pic, but I l0st it -.-


"Dean!" Sam ran into Dean's room excitedly, "I just talked to Gabe and I figured it out!"

The groggy Winchester forced himself to look at his tall older brother, "okay two questions. One: what did you figure out? Two: why were you talking to Gabriel and why did you call him 'Gabe'?"

A light pink spread across Sam's face, "that was more than two questions you jerk."

"Whatever bitch, just answer."

"Well I talked to Gabe, and he said he'd check on Adam's situation. Meaning he could possibly finally get him out of Hell!"

"Seriously?!" Dean exclaimed. After years of getting sidetracked they were finally gonna get their youngest brother out of Hell.

Dean rejoiced for a moment, "alright you answered number one, now answer number two."

Sam bitch faced his brother, not being able to stop the nervousness that seeped into his chest, "that's none of your business."

Dean smirked, knowing he had his brother agitated. "I think I at least deserve to know why little Sammy is talking to the archdouche, don't you?"

"Can we just focus on Adam?" A flutter of wings filled the room.

"There's no need," a voice behind them said, "we have already located him."

"Cas? You were in on this too?" Dean asked, staring at his angel.

"Gabriel...requested my assistance. We found something interesting whilst looking for Adam. Something we missed before."

"And what would that be?"

"Adam was never in Hell in the first place. You see when Michael took control of Adam's body, Adam was immediately sent to Heaven as a reward for 'helping out' with the prophecy of the apocalypse. The person you saw wasn't Adam, but his...meat-suit you could say," Cas explained.

"Wait, so Adam's okay?"

"As okay as someone in Heaven can be, Samshine," Gabriel said appearing right next to Sam.

Nobody questioned the Archangel's sudden appearance, next to Sam of all people, but they did question Sam's sudden change in face color. "Do you think we could go see him?" Dean asked smirking at Sam.

"Don't see why not, you boys have been in heaven before. Let's go!" With a snap of Gabriel's fingers they were all in heaven and since Gabriel was still technically hiding they had to sneak their way around.

Before long, they reached Adam's heaven. He was on a bed perched on his knees hovering over somebody, with his hands inside their shirt. His back was facing the others, so his body was covering their view of the person. Small moaning noises could be heard coming from the two. "It's official. He takes after Dean."

Adam jumped off the person while they quickly hid themselves from the other's gaze behind a blanket. "Sam? Dean? What're you doing here?" He asked wiping his mouth of saliva.

"We just came to see you since the last time we met you kinda..." Sam said.

"Oh yeah that, well I'm fine so-"

"Wait a minute," Gabriel said, "that person you were getting frisky with...I'd recognize that soul anywhere!"

"Samandriel?" Castiel asked, eyes widening.

Shyly, Samandriel uncovered his face from behind the blanket. "Hello brothers," he mumbled with pink cheeks.

The Winchesters looked from the Milligan to the now messy haired angel and back again. "So all of us are banging angels?"

Sam, Adam, and Samandriel went red and started stuttering out excuses. Dean just laughed, "wow for once I'm not the one denying it."

"Wait!" Cas raised his voice and pretty much glared at the Milligan, being an overprotective big brother, "what I want to know is how this happened! You two had never even met before!"

"Funny story actually," Adam answered, shrinking slightly under Castiel's piercing gaze, "God, or Chuck, resurrected him and he stumbled along my heaven. We sorta just hit it off after that."

Adam sat next to a blushing Samandriel and held his hand, "we've been together what would be a year on earth."

Samandriel gave a small smile and giggled when Adam kissed his cheek, "he makes me feel human, Castiel."

Dean came up and grabbed Castiel's arm, pulling him out of his softened gaze, they shared a look before Dean said, "well it was good to see you Adam, we're glad you're okay."

"Yeah so, we'll see you later. You can go back to making out with your angel," Sam said nodding at his little brother.

Adam smiled, "gladly."

The moment they left, Adam pretty much pounced on Samandriel, placing his lips back on the angel's. He moved down to kiss Samandriel's neck while slipping his hands under his Wiener Hut shirt like before. Samandriel let out a giggle as Adam slightly tickled his sides and played with his nipples. The little buds were hard and perky just for his human. Adam could feel that and moved his head under Samandriel's shirt to lick and play with the buds.

While Adam licked, sucked, and gently bit one nipple, he gave the other one attention with his hand. "Adam," Samandriel breathed out with flushed cheeks. Adam even took it a step farther and started grinding on the adorable angel beneath him.

Adam switched nipples and pleasured the other with his mouth. Samandriel put his hands in Adam's hair and moaned, "oh Adam!"

They pretty much frick fracked all night after that.

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