All I Want F0r Christmas Is Y0u

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Hey guys it's H0mestuckDbzL0ver with an Adamandriel 0nesh0t. Yay! S0rry that it's super sh0rt but it's kinda hard t0 write ab0ut a happy Christmas when y0u're n0t exactly having a g00d Christmas Eve...ANYWAY here y0u g0 and I h0pe y0u enj0y 0therwise!

(Plus a little Sabriel pic just f0r y0u guys!)


"Adam? Adam where did you go?" Samandriel called out. The two boys had been best friends since sixth grade and now that they were both twenty one, too broke and too far away from home to go back they decide to just spend Christmas together.

"Adam Milligan-Winchester get out here! It's cold out here and you're going to get sick!" Samandriel shouted

All of a sudden two arms wrapped around him from behind. Samandriel squeaked and laughed. "Adam what are you doing?"

"I'm not Adam, I'm a kidnapper!" The voice said into the hood of his coat.

Samandriel snorted, "yeah and I'm Elvis Presley. Why did you disappear into the snow like that!"

Adam turned him around so they were face to face, almost touching noses, "because I wanted to see what you would do."

Samandriel rolled his eyes, "well shake off before you go inside. You're covered in snow and you look like the Abominable Snowman."

While Adam faked looking hurt, Samandriel went inside, "plus we need to Skype our families!"

Adam shook off like a dog before following him, "they're probably spending Christmas together anyway. We'll just call them together."

Samandriel plopped down on the couch, grabbing his laptop. Adam took the opportunity to slide underneath his arm and cuddle into his neck. Samandriel chuckled, "well somebody's cuddly today."

"It's Christmas Alfie! I want Christmas cuddles!" Adam wrapped one arm around his torso and put one leg on top of him. Samandriel chuckled and hugged him, "well unless you want your family to see us and think we're dating again, get off."

Samandriel could almost feel the heat from Adam's face. Adam was glad his face was hidden in Samandriel's neck, "well I don't wanna move so they can deal with it."

Samandriel didn't question it and pressed the call button on Castiel's name. Moments later, he picked up with Dean sitting on his lap, face buried in his neck, "hey Alfie! I was wondering when you'd call."

"Hey Cas! Is Dean alright there?"

Dean perked up hearing his name. If you looked hard enough, you could almost see a dark mark where Dean's mouth had been. "Yeah I'm fine just lovin' on Cassie before we leave," he kissed Cas' cheek then went further down his neck.

Cas caught a glimpse of Adam and chuckled, "I guess all the Winchesters are really cuddly today. I went to visit Sam and Gabriel earlier and Sam was practically a part of Gabriel's chest. He refused to let go!"

"Aww," Samandriel cooed, "they really do make a cute couple."

"So do you and Adam."

Adam's cheeks went pink as Samandriel laughed, "thanks Cas. Well tell the others we said hi and we'll call back later when they're all together."

"All right, see you later Alfie!"

"Oh and Cas! You might wanna," Samandriel brushed his neck where Dean's mark was left. Castiel chuckled and winked then hung up.

Samandriel closed his laptop and turned to snuggle into Adam's hair. "Your face got kinda hot there, you okay?"

"'M fine," Adam mumbles. Samandriel decides to use his surefire way of getting Adam to tell him. He slid his hand under Adam's shirt and rubbed his slight abs.

"You absolutely sure?"

"Y-yeah." Samandriel moved so he was on top of Adam and kept sliding his hands gently over his torso. Adam was squirming in his spot and couldn't look at Samandriel without swallowing heavily. Samandriel moved close to his face so their lips were so close Adam could feel them.

"Adam," Samandriel whispered, "you have one more chance before I do it."

"A-Alfie, please d-don't!"

"Then tell me."


"Alright you leave me no choice then," Samandriel moved his hands to Adam's sides and began tickling him. Adam burst into a fit of giggles and squirmed, kicking his legs.

"ALFIE STOOOOP!" Adam laughed out, tears forming in his eyes.

"Will you tell me?"

"OKAY, OKAY, YES JUST STOP!" Adam laughed again. Samandriel stopped and waited for Adam to catch his breath. His face red from laughing, his eyes glistening from tears, his hands above his head and his chest rhythmically going up and down. He's never looked hotter Samandriel smiled at his thoughts.

"Alright, fine. It's because, well, everybody's been saying how cute of a couple we make and I...I just..." Adam groaned, "I have feelings for you Alfie."

"You do?" Samandriel asked. Adam nodded with cheeks red from embarrassment. Samandriel only smiled, "me too!"


Samandriel giggled and kissed his cheek, "I like you too Adam!"

Adam breathed out in relief, "thank Chuck. That would've been awkward."

Samandriel stuck a present bow on his forehead and turned to Adam, "hey Adam, I'm your Christmas present, you ready to open me up?"

Adam blushed harder and laughed. Samandriel winked, "who says I was kidding?"

"Oh my God you dork!" Adam pushed him off so that he was on top. He straddled Samandriel and kissed him. Samandriel cupped Adam's cheeks and smiled widely. They pulled apart so that their lips were still touching, but they could still talk to each other. "We acted so much like a couple before this." Adam said against Samandriel's lips.

"Yeah, we did," Samandriel pecked his lips, "now we have an excuse to."

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this," Adam reached under Samandriel's shirt. Samandriel gasped at the feeling as Adam brushed his nipples.

The two lovingly touched each other, nothing too sexual, but there was a moan here and there. Just gentle touches on a beautiful snowy night to show the love between two people. Nobody to objectify them. Nobody to tell them right or wrong. Just pure love shared between two human beings.


Just s0me parting w0rds. I h0pe all 0f y0u have an amazing Christmas 0r Hanukkah 0r Kwanzaa 0r whatever y0u celebrate! Y0u all deserve t0 have a g00d h0liday. All 0f y0u... Anyway I'll see y0u all in the next 0nesh0t, which h0pefully will be d0ne s00n!

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