I'll Never Let Any0ne Hurt Y0u

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Sam here. Just warning, there's a slight ped0philia scene near the beginning. If this triggers y0u in anyway, feel free t0 skip that! I d0n't want t0 make any0ne unc0mf0rtable in any way.


"See you after class Dean!" Sam waved to his older brother as he sauntered to his next last class with Gabriel. This was a daily routine at school: Sam would talk to Dean during Dean's free period, then when the bell rang he let Gabriel walk him to his next class.

Gabe was eighteen, same as Dean, but Sam considered the upperclassman his best friend. Besides the fact that Sam had a massive crush on the fairly short trickster (not that he totally gushed about him to Dean, which caused relentless teasing from him) Gabriel was the only one Sam honestly hung out with in school besides Kevin and Charlie.

"Here we are my princess," Gabriel bowed dramatically when they reached the classroom. Sam couldn't help the light blush that spread across his cheeks when Gabriel gave him nicknames like that.

Sam chuckled, "shut up and get to class you dork."

Gabriel winked before heading to his class right across the hall. Sam bit his lip while he watched him leave before practically running to his seat next to Kevin. Maybe learning about World Geography would take his mind off Gabriel this time.


"Are you kidding me? I'm telling you man, Johnlock is totally canon!" Sam retorted to Kevin's comment.

Kevin scoffed, "whatever you say."

Then suddenly the bell rang and all the students almost trampled each other out the door. "Sam," his teacher, Mr. Domner, called before he could reach the door, "may I speak to you?"

"Tell Gabe not to wait up," Sam told Kevin, who nodded in return.

(Ped0philia scene starts here)

Mr. Domner got up and shut the door, locking it. Sam became uncomfortable at his teacher's actions, shifting the weight on his feet. "Soo, what's up sir?" Sam managed to say.

"Nothing we just need to talk," Domner moved to his desk, motioning for Sam to stand next to him. When Sam stood where Domner desired, the older man caressed his face. "You're a beautiful young boy you know that?"

Sam stepped back, feeling extremely weirded out by his World Geo teacher. "Um, sir..?"

"I love watching you in class. You're so smart Samuel," Domner said standing up, moving closer to Sam. "You're by far the best and most beautiful in class."

"Sir, please stop you're scaring me," Sam said with a shakey voice.

"I'll take care of you Sammy," he said pushing Sam against the desk, leaning closer to his face. Sam, in a state of panic, grabbed a paperweight off the left of the desk and quickly slammed it against Domner's face.

(And it's 0ver)

Sam ran out of the room faster than he remembers, dropping a few things along the way. Still panicking about what had just occurred, Sam ran to the nearest refuge he knew.


The fourteen year old found the candy loving boy in the commons, waiting for him. Sam jumped into Gabe's side, wrapping his arms tightly around the blond's torso. "Woah, Sammy, you okay?"

"Yeah, where's Dean?" Sam said quietly,

"By his car where he always is," Gabe crouched down to look up at Sam's eyes, grabbing his upper arms. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Sam melted in the warm caring feeling in Gabriel's golden brown eyes. It almost made Sam forget about what just happened. "I'm alright, I promise. Just a bit...shaken up I guess."

"Well I'll help you get over it soon I hope. You didn't forget about our sleepover, right?"

Sam smiled, "right."


"Alright, so what first? Never Ending Story or Dark Crystal?" Gabriel asked holding up the two cases. Gabe wore a pair of black shorts with red hearts on them with a t-shirt that read 'I'd flex but I like this shirt' on the chest.

Sam pointed to the Dark Crystal case and snuggled deeper into his dark blue blanket while wearing his Doctor Who pajamas. Gabe popped the DVD into the player and got under the blanket with Sam. "You know," Gabe says letting Sam lean on his t-shirted shoulder, "I'm still surprised that your dad or Dean lets this happen."

"I don't see why. You're the same age as Dean and you're my best friend."

"Well Dean seems very overprotective of you. He just about strangled me when he saw you upset when you came to the car."

Sam chuckled at the memory. Dean had immediately assumed that Gabriel had caused Sam to become upset. Of course, Sam cleared it up before anything happened.

"What would you do if someone who's way older than you attempted to kiss you?"

Gabriel looked at him skeptically, "depends, why?"

"Just a theoretical question."

Gabriel paused the barely starting movie and forced Sam to look at him. "Sam please you're worrying me. What happened in you're world geo class?"

Sam's eyes filled with tears as the memories flooded back. He wrapped his petite arms around Gabe's chest. "Mr. Domner tried to kiss me," Sam answered quietly.

"He what?!" Gabe shouted, "Sammy why didn't you report him?

"I'm scared Gabe, I can't."

"Then I'll do it! Nobody touches my Sammy!"

Sam looked at him with wide eyes. "Y-your Sammy?"

"Yeah," Gabe's honey brown bore into him, "my Sammy."

Gabe leaned down to press his lips against Sam's. Sam was about to reciprocate when an image of Domner flashed in his eyes. "Gabe I can't. Domner...he ruined it for me."

"Sam, I'm not him."

"I know, but I just can't."

"Well I'm not going to force you into anything," Gabe entwined their fingers, "I know this will be hard, but I won't make you do anything. Whatever you're comfortable with, I'm comfortable with."

Sam snuggled into Gabe's chest thanking him.


The next morning Sam told his family about the Domner incident and they just about ran out and killed the man. Instead Sam miraculously managed to rationalize with them, and they called the police instead. Domner was arrested on four different accounts of Pedophilia.

The month after the trial Sam finally shared that kiss with Gabe. Dean congratulated them and gave Gabe 'the speech' while John kept a closer eye on Gabe.

Sam hated to say it, but something horrifyingly awful unraveled into a good ending.


I hate this 0nesh0t t0 be h0nest. I had a way better idea but then this crappy thing f0rmed and I attempted t0 make it w0rk I guess. With my slight depressed m00d and lack 0f m0tivati0n recently I guess I l0st my 0riginal idea because the 0ther idea wasn't even Sabriel. 0h well I just really wanted t0 write a 0nesh0t. I'll try t0 d0 better next time.

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