My little sleepwalker-Destiel

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H0mestuckDbzL0ver here! 0kay just in case this turns 0ut weird, my ph0ne isn't activated s0 I'm writing this 0n my grandma's ph0ne in her n0tes cuz I'm t00 lazy t0 d0 my 0riginal plan. Just enj0y this crappy 0ne sh0t and d0n't kill me.

Dean's watch beeped as the time turned to seven o'clock. "Sammy!" He called to his fourteen year old brother, "it's time for your meds!"

Sam groaned and sauntered into the kitchen. He sat down on the table as Dean fished the pill container out of his bag. He sighed as Dean handed him a water bottle, "Dean, I don't wanna take the pills anymore."

Dean's eyes softened sympatheticly as he saw Sam's face, "I know bud, but you have to. Just for a little longer."

Sam nodded and opened his mouth so Dean could put the pills in his mouth. When the two blue and red pills were in, he took a long swig of water to wash them down. For the past couple of years, Sam has had to take these pills to help with his sleep walking problem. Originally, it wasn't really a problem, Sam would just end up walking to the garage and sleep in the car; the next morning he would say he had a dream his family was going on some kind of road trip. Sometimes he would end up on the kitchen counter saying he was helping John cook for a special occasion, it was small things like that.

Then the symptoms got worse. Sam would actually leave the house in his sleep and wander onto a highway then just lay there waiting to be ran over. Other times he was walking to a bridge, trying to jump off. If police hadn't been on patrol, Sam surely would've been hurt. And with John away at war, there was no one but Dean to watch his baby brother. Which meant for Dean, there were no time for friends or relationships. He either pushed everyone away, or everyone got sick of trying.

He even pushed away Castiel, his best friend. Castiel stayed the longest because he truly cared about Sam and Dean. They'd been friends since Junior year, and when Sam's symptoms started he stayed over at Dean's house to help keep an eye on him. He helped pay for Sam's medication, and made sure Dean also took care of himself. Castiel was truly an angel sent from heaven.

But Dean being Dean refused to let Castiel be dragged into this and started pushing him away. He completely locked himself away from everyone else inside his own little world, even from the boy he grew to fall in love with.

"Dean?" Sam asked quietly on the way to school. Dean answered with a small grunt, "where's Cas?"

Dean's eyes widened, "what do you mean?"

Sam brought his knees up to his chest and sunk in his seat. "You used to hang out with him a lot and give him rides to school. What ever happened to him?"

Dean sighed, "he's...we're not really friends anymore."

"Why not? Is it 'cause of me?" Sam asked sadly.

"What? No! No, no, no. You're not the problem, it's just...I didn't want Cas to have to worry about me. So I pushed him away," Dean said, "like I always do I guess."

Sam sniffed, "when this is all over...will you talk to Cas again? Please?"

Dean looked over at him, "sure, if you want. But why exactly?"

"Because you love him, you shouldn't push away people you love. Plus," Sam said glancing around outside, "I miss him too."

Dean followed his glance sadly. Cas was sitting at the foot of the stairs of the school, as always, reading a book. If things were still normal, Dean would've slid in next to him and taken his book asking what he was reading. Then he would've put an arm on his shoulders and walked him to class, them laughing the whole way there. Like people say, 'you don't know you love someone, until you've let them go'.

Supernatural- Ship One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora