№ 5 • The Blood Empire •

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*previously in Chapter 4 - CREEP*

Annabelle met Louis and they had a little "chat". Louis tried to mesmerize Annabelle so she could forget about their "meeting" but that didn't work. 

"Huh? What? Why it isn't working?" He said barely above a whisper but i heard him since he was too close to my face.

He moved away from me and started pulling at his brown hair. He was pacing around the room until he suddenly stopped. He pushed me again against the wall and held me in his strong grasp.

"Do not tell anybody about this. Not even your little friend upstairs. If you tell anybody there will be consequences. Don't worry we will meet again." 'Creep' warned me while looking me dealy in eyes. His stare was so hard he could see my soul. I slowly nodded to him.

"Good. You better listen me..." 'Creep' waited for my name. Should I tell him or not? Oh what the hell.

"Annabelle" I replied back.

"Annabelle, you better listen me. Oh and don't go by yourself at night. There are some "people" who might bite you" He winked to me before dashing and leaving me speechless.


*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

I didn't know what to do. I felt scared. Surprised. Shocked. Speechless. I was staring at the place where he was standing. Who is he? What he wants? Who is Isabelle? I was confused. A felt a hand on my shoulder and I think I jumped 10 feet up in the air.

"Ann are you okay? What took you so long?" Perrie's sweet voice asked me.

I was so happy it was Perrie. Because if it was that 'creep' I wouldn't know what to do.

"Huh? What? Oh yeah I was. Ummm... Errr... I was just...Umm I thought I heard someone so I went to check the living room and there was a maid so I kinda hid in the closet. When I got out i accidently...Fell...Yeah I fell." I replied back stuttering. I hope she will believe me because I suck at lying.

"You did what? Oh my god Annabelle you are so clumsy! Now hurry and put that note. We need to get out of here" Perrie said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the kitchen. I quickly put the note on the fridge. We went upstairs to my room, grabbed stuff and got out the same way we got in. 

*Louis' P.O.V.*

I dashed out of the house and started running towards the South. I came at time so I boarded on my private yacht. You are wondering where I am going?

Well our kingdom is on island that isn't on map. No one knows about it except the one's who are living there. It is quite big but not too big. Anyway we call our island 'The Blood Empire'.  A few hundreds years ago island "split" into two parts; you can call it the bad part and the normal or good part. On bad part are rebels who don't like our rules and on the other side is me, along with my brothers, our girlfriends or wifes, blood servants and others. Since then both sides are in war which still isn't over. And I am sick of that. Things got even worse after Isabelle's death. I will explain that later or you will eventually find out.

I came at island 1 hour later. I quickly sped off towards the castle. I got into my bedroom and saw my love by the window staring outside. She is so beautiful and I love her with every bone in my body. She is my life partner. My other half. My shoulder to cry. My sunshine to shine my day.

"Eleanor, my love" I spoke to her gently while approaching her.

I guess I snapped her out of my thoughts. She turned around and smiled. Oh God her smile is so beautiful it could light up your day. No, your life! I cupped her hands and pecked her little nose. She giggled back in response.

"Where were you Louis?" Eleanor asked me sweetly.

"I had a meeting with some vampires in Holmes Chapel. Then I went hunting and you won't believe what happenned. I smelled her. That smell. Isabelle". Eleanor gasped and pulled away.

"Wait? How? But that isn't possible! How is that... Oh my God." Now she started pacing around the room and biting her nails. I was beside her in second, grabbed her petite arms and led her to the sofa. After we sat down I explained her everything. While I was talking she would gasp or bite her nails. 

"So what are we going to do Louis? Should we tell someone? Maybe Harold?"

"No! No way. We can't! First, he wouldn't believe us and second we can't find him" He is probably with Taylor again. No one can't stand her. She is so... urrgg... In one word she is a bitch! She is human but she acts like she is the smartest, the strongest, the most beautiful and hottest girl in the world. She thinks she will become a queen and rule the world! Well, hell no bitch! You see when our father, Simon III The King passed away he kinda said in his will that when Harold finds his soulmate and when they marry he will become a king and his wife a queen. So basically Taylor thinks she can replace Isabelle's place. But we won't allow that. 

Since Harold and Taylor are "together" Harold is fucking Taylor all the time and  we don't see Harold that often and we don't talk to him. He changed a lot after Isabelle's death. He started to drink from humans again, he was with other girl every night, he would fuck them and then drain them to death. Pretty cruel, don't you think? A few years ago he met Taylor at strip club in New York and "he charmed her with his cheekiness and his green eyes and brown curls." Then they fucked, he drank from her and I don't understand why he didn't kill her?! He would do to me and the others a huge favor. And to himself too.

Me and Eleanor decided that we won't tell anyone about this. So we made a plan. In couple of years actually when Annabelle turns 19 we will kinda kidnapp her, bring her here, try to make her and Harold fall in love and make a happy end. Me and Eleanor believe she is his soulmate because of the necklace Annabelle is wearing; a paper necklace and Harold has the same one. Me and Eleanor both have it too but we have a gold locket with eachothers picture inside of it. Basically when vampire's soulmate is born The Godness puts a necklace around soulmates' neck. And the vampire get's one too. You are suppossed to meet your soulmate at certain age. We don't want to bring Annabelle here because she is too young and meanwhile we will try to get rid off Taylor. I repeat WE WILL TRY!  Until then me and Eleanor  will keep an eye on Annabelle to make sure nothing happens to her. And maybe her friend Parria or something like that.

Until then we only need to watch out not to get caught by Harold or anybody else. Actually the whole kingdom plus Annabelle And Parria. 

That shouldn't be hard, right? 


And that was Chapter 5- The Blood Empire. I am so excited about this story!! :D Can't wait to upload more so you can find out who is Isabelle and what will happen when Annabelle and Harold meet?  By the way Taylor is played by Taylor Swift. I am so sorry but I had to chose someone. I dont't mean anything bad. I repeat once again this is just a story! 


-Princess Tulips

*I apologise for gramatical errors*

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