№ 13 • In the arms of an Angel •

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Chapter 13 - In the arms of an Angel

I warn you this is really sad chapter. In this chapter is Isabelle's death. Ladies prepare you tissues. I have warned you. Please listen to the song Arms of an angel while reading this chapter.

*previously on Chapter 12 - Waiting

I came back to the castle to tell the "good" news. I walked through the dining room seeing that all humans were there eating. The Lords and Princesses were sitting on the throne.

"HI GUYS!" I yelled.

Liam groaned. "Would you be quiet Louis?"

"Hmm... Let me think" I said faking thinking. "Nope." I answered after couple of seconds.

"I have news." I said. 

"Let me guess." Zayn said standing up and checking me out. "You gained some weight, I see."

I smacked him on head before replying "No I didn't. And I am not fat." Liam, Niall, Danielle and Eleanor chuckled while Zayn rolled his eyes before going back to his seat.

"Anyway, guess who is back?'" I asked them.

"Who?" Princess Danielle, Liam's mate, said.

"'The Three' ,Deyanira, Kali and Braeden." I said sitting on my seat. 

"Louis stop fooling around." Liam said raising his glass and drinking blood from it.

"I am not joking! They are back! And they have Annabelle." I said raising my voice.

"Oh no. Oh no." Liam said standing up. He started pacing around while holding his head. "That isn't good. Harold need her blood."

"Is there any way that Harold can heal?" I asked slightly worried for Harold. Even though he is a bastard he is still my best friend. I still care for him even he done so many bad things. I am only one who knows the real and true Harold.

"A witch can help us. Harold will wake up but he won't be as strong as he was." Liam said. "It's just a pernament."

"And what about Annabelle?" Princess Eleanor said walking towards me. I put my hand on her petite waist and kissed her on head.

"We can't fight them. Remember the last time Louis? Our hands are tied. We can only wait for them to contact us." Liam replied.

Well that is true. They have also kidnapped Isabelle,before, and they contacted us first.

I guess we have to wait.


Castle. How did I get here?

I looked down and saw that I was wearing a corset dark red long gown. The dress was gorgeous. I twirled around and giggled. 

"Love?" I dark husky voice asked behind me.

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