№ 34 • I Don't Care •

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I have to tell this, but is anyone else listening to My Chemical Romance? They are amazing *____*

I love their songs soooo much abcdfghjkmlj. Too bad they split up :'((

"You've got some." He said looking at my lips.

"Get it for me." I said nicely coming closer. He brought his right hand and cupped my cheek. We both started leaning until our lips were couple of centimetres away. I closed my eyes tilting my head a bit. Our lips were about to touch before a voice interrupted us.


We both turned around and saw Michael. Suddenly he fell on his knees holding his stomach. I immediately run over to him. I grabbed his chin lightly lifting it up. I gasped seeing his face covered in cuts and blood. I looked down at his plaid shirt which was now ripped. He had a huge claw prints on his stomach. He clentched his stomach coughing blood. With every cough more and more blood would come out of his stomach.

In a second, Harold next to Michael checking his wound.

"Werewolfes." Michael breathed out. "There were too many of them."

"Let's get you back to the castle." Harold said helping him stand up. We hurriedly walked over towards the carriage. Michael layed down while Harold went out to guide the horses. I slowly picked Michael's head placing it at my lap. I started playing with his hair making him smile. He opened his eyes looking at me in the most adorable way. The ends of his mouth slowly lifted up making him even more adorable. His eyelids slowly started closing.

"No,no,no! Don't close your eyes!" I yelled at him shaking his body.

"But I am sleepy." He whined pouting.

"If you fall asleep you will be singing Hallelujah with angels!" I started slowly slapping him on the face.

"Fine, fine!" He said before we both heard the sound of horseshoes.


After we arrived in castle Harold helpt Michael to get to the hospital wing and after that he left to infrom others about werewolfes. I sprinted towards my romm to get changed. I barged through the doors and immediately went towards my room. I quickly removed my eyeshadow and lipstick leaving only mascara on. I took off my dress and heels and put on black t-shirt and denim shorts. I grabbed my black combat boots putting them on my feet. I grabbed a hair tie from wrist putting my hair into a ponytail. I went in the bathroom and pied quickly. (i had to write this 'cause no one does). After that I washed my hands and went towars the kitchen. I grabbed a chocolate bar ripping the paper off. I quickly ate it and drank a glass of water. I locked the doors and sprinted back to the hospital wing.

When I reached the hospital wing I saw two boys sitting on red seats while the third one was pacing around. Next to the pacing one stood Harold with his arms crosses over his chest. When he noticed me he reached me enveloping me in a hug. I was taken back by his actions so I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

He nuzzled his head into my hair planting a kiss on my head. "I thought they took you."

"Who?" I asked unwrapping myself from him.

"The werewolfes."

"Is it Francisco?" I asked him taking a step back.

"Yeah." He said biting on his lip. 

"How is Michael?" I asked him.

"We still don't know." He said looking at the ground. After he said that Liam came out in his white doctor coat with papers in his hands.

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