First Day, First Impressions

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"AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!! MY LEG! YOU STABBED ME IN MY FUCKING LEG YOU ASSHOLE!"  A monster yelled while rolling on the ground of a dark alley, holding his left knee to his chest, with his hands on the stab wound. You give the monster a disgusted look and say, "Oh shut up already! Your wound isn't even that deep. Besides I wouldn't have stabbed you if you would've stayed away from me you creep." You sighed, put the lightly bloody knife in your hoodie pocket, put your black hood back on, and walked out of the alley leaving the monster still howling in pain. A few minutes go by before you get a text from your older brother.

Josh: (Y/N), when do you plan on comin home? it's gettin l8 and you start high skool 2morrow!

(Y/N): I kno that and im not gonna be much longer. i just had 2 deal with a perv rite quick but im on my way home 

Josh: alrite just be careful from now on or i will walk you 2 anywhere and EVERYWHERE you want 2 go! got it?

(Y/N): lol ok

Before you put your phone in your jean pocket, you look at your eyes. Your left eye was its usual (E/C) color, but your right eye was a crimson red. While still walking and putting the phone in your pocket at last, you start to get the feeling that you're being followed. You stopped walking and spun your head around looking to see if you were being followed, but no one was there. You decided it would be a good idea for you to sprint the rest of the way home since it was only 2 blocks away anyway.


*beep *beep *beep *beep. You groan when you turn over to turn off your alarm clock. "5:30am. Huh. I guess I can sleep for a few more minutes. It won't hurt anybody if I do," you say. You close your, now, (E/C) eyes and fall back to sleep for what seems like 3 small minutes. [[A/N: your right eye can change color depending on your mood.]]

You sluggishly look back at your clock, only to be alramed afterward. Realizing that it was 7am and school starts 7:30am, you jumped out of bed and hurried to get ready. Yor threw on a pair of blue jeans heavily decorated with butterflies and sequence, a (f/c) t-shirt with 'individuality is my specialty' written on it, and put your (f/c) sneakers on. You were too much in a rush to care about your messy (h/c) hair, so you put a hat on. Right before bolting out the front door, you remembered to grab your white bandage like eyepatch and your glasses, along with a strawberry pop tart and a bookbag full of schoool supplies.


You ran up and down the hallways trying to bet the tardy bell and look for your human/monster history class. You finally found it after going on to the second floor and running down the hall on your left. As the door opened, and the tardy bell about to ring any second now, you found it to be a good idea to jump your way threw the door and into class. By doing so, you tackled another student to the ground.

An entire class, full of both humans and monsters, laughed at you. You start to feel a light blush spread across your face when you realize why everyone was laughing. Not attempting to get up, you continue to stay on the floor listening to the roaring laughter of almost everyone around you, until you were snapped out of your thoughts by some one clearing their throat.

"Uhhh..hey kid. Can you get off of me now? I kinda wanna go to my seat." You turn your attention downward to see that you were still on top of the student. You hurried up to your feet and dusted your clothes off. 'Huh. A skeleton. I've never seen him around before. he's kind of cute.'  You thought until you, once again, came back to reality.

"Sorry," you said quietly."I honestly didn't see you there. I was just trying to get to class. I didn't mean for that to happen." Before you could even give him a chance to say anything, you put your head down in shame and slowly made your way to the back of the class where two empty desks. However, while walking back there, you could hear your classmates call you a clutz, stumbling weirdo, and anything in between. 'Great! Just what I need. I've only been here for less than 7 minutes and I'm already labeled a geek! Yup, that's exactly the type of attitude I need to start off my freshman year.' you thought to yourself sarcastically. When you finally arrived at your desk, you find a note on it that read:

Hey I didn't catch your name after you slammed into me. BTW, my name is Gaster Sans but you can just call me Sans to make things easier. Oh and uhh you might want to stop blushing before people get the wrong idea.


You slam your head down ont he desk trying to hide the fact that you were blushing even harder than before. 'Yay! How can this day get any worse than it already has' you thought. Finally the teacher walks in and says, "Hi everyone and welcome to your first day of monster/human history class. To make things easy for myself and everyone else, where you sit now is your permanit seat for the rest of the year, unless I decide to change the seating arrangments. So get use to the people you're sitting in front of, beside and behind because you'll be seeing them for a while." Since you sat in the corner in the back of the room, it didn't seem that bad. Until you picked up your head, looked to your left, and saw Sans sitting next to you. You slammed your head down again and rested your, now, stretched arms on your desk in front of you.

"Ugh! Why me?!"

Gaster!Sans x Bullied!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now