Chara x Le Wot Pt. 3

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I walked through the hallway, trying my best to hide the cuts and bruises. I glanced at the clock in the hallway. "12:20pm. Just a few more minutes until the halls are filled with people. I have to find Sans' lo-" I was cut off as I bumped into someone. I have to stop doing this. I apologized keeping my head down low, I can't risk looking up. It might be an upperclassman. I'm already on bad terms with half the school now I can't fuck up anymore than I'm able to. I tried to walk around them but they grabbed me by my wrist.

"And where do you think you're going," they asked as they pinned my against a locker covered in stickers. "You gonna answer me, Short Stack, or are you going to keep looking down?" I didn't answer. I couldn't. I looked up a bit and saw a green sweater with a yellow stripe.

Oh shit...

"You know, it's considered rude to ignore AND stare at people." I continued to look at the sweater, eyes wide. "I have eyes and they're up here," he said jerking up head up to look at him. His eyes were shielded by his long, light hazel bangs.

My eyes started to tear up again. Chara Dreemurr. Chara fucking Dreemurr. Of COURSE  it's him, he's the only person who wears green and yellow sweaters. Hopefully he didn't hear about the rumors about us going around, then again, there are a lot of rumor about me going around.

"I'm really really sorry. It won't happen again, I promise. Please let me go and I'll-" Chara put his hand over my mouth. "You talk way too much, and what the hell is up with your face?"

Chara let go of my wrist and took a few steps back, "What happened to you in general?" 

"I got beat up by a few people, I was on my way to a friend's locker to get some clean clothes," I whispered.

"And who was the friend you were going to?"

I shook my head, "I don't think you know them. They're a freshman."

"If you're talking about that bag of bones he's actually a junior. He's just taking freshman classes because they're an easy A."

Wait, wha-," he cut me off. "Anyway, if you need another sweater I've got plenty. Step aside." I moved out of the way from the lockers. Chara walked toward the locker covered in stickers and put in the combination. My mouth gaped open in shock, that was his locker?! Out of all the blank or black painted lockers in the school, his is the one covered in pastel colored stickers. I'm slightly impressed, didn't think anyone would have the courage to put stickers on a locker, not even the freshmen put anything on their lockers. I walked toward Chara, stroking my ponytail.

"Okay kid, here's your sweater," he said tossing the sweater over his shoulder. "Now about your bruises, my brother may be able to help but I'm not too sure. Meet me after school though, I'll figure it all out then."

The bell rung signaling the end of lunch and for me to high tail my ass out of here. As I walked away, sweater in hand, Chara stopped me. "Before you go, I need to see your other eye. I need to be able to tell him how bad the damage is." I reluctantly agree and move my bangs to the side showing off my silver eye. Chara smiled, his teeth were surprising sharp looking.

"You have heterochromia? Glad to know I'm not the only one with odd colored eyes," he said moving his own bangs to the side. His eyes. They're a scarlet red.

"The shade of passion," I said. I quickly covered my mouth. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud. I'll just leave now, thank you for the sweater."

I closed my eyes and ran past Chara, I feel like I've made a mortal enemy and a grave mistake.

~*Chara POV*~ 

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