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You walked off into the semi-empty halls of the school. It was about 7:13am on a Wednesday, so naturally people are going to be too lazy to show up on time. The atmosphere was calm and quiet as you walked down the semi-empty hallways to your locker. You tried to open it again, but it still didn't budge. "I don't understand! I know perfectly well how to open a stupid locker. This shouldn't even be happening." You started to bang on the locker. "Open. Open. OPEN SAYS ME! Please." You hit the locker one last time before officially giving up.

"You having trouble there, sweetheart?" You tensed up at the sound of the gruff voice, but relaxed when the owner of the voice was revealed. 

"Oh, Sans, you scared me. Uhh, yeah. I guess I am having a little trouble with the locker. It was doing this yesterday as well. I think I might just not use it. Plus, it's not" He chuckled. "I can try to unlock it for you." You put your booksack on the floor and started to rearrange your belongings, trying to make your booksack lighter and less of a strain. "No it's fine, I can live with it." 

Sans began to rub the top of your head as you noticeably melted to the touch. "No really, I want to do it. If you think it's that bad of a safety hazard, I'll gladly do it. And in the meantime, we can share a locker. If you don't mind." You looked up at the tall skeleton and blushed, it did seem like a good idea, but you didn't want to invade his personal space. "No it's okay, I promise. You really don't have to, but thank you for the nice gesture." Sans raised a skele-brow and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Riiiiiiigt. Well, in that case, can I see your booksack for a minute?" "Yeah sure." you handed him your booksack. "Thanks and good bye." "Wait what?" You looked around and Sans was gone. With your booksack no less! "Welp, there goes the last of my stuff. At least I don't have to carry anything to class now." The bell rung as you walked down the hall to you 1st period. 

---Timeskip to the middle of class---

The entire class was chatting amongst themselves since the teacher decided that the remainder of class could be used for everyone to join, or form, a social clique. You however, weren't a social person. You were more of an introvert, there was always something about being alone, and causing anyone trouble, that greatly put your mind at ease. You sighed, took your phone from out of your pocket, and started texting your brother.

You: hey bro bro wyd?

Josh: rnt u n class?

You: rnt u @ work?

Josh: nope XP

You: then im not in class......i lied yes i am

Josh: wyd?

You: bailin on bein social. 2many ppl + im happier by mehself anyway

Josh: fine. and remember im gonna b gone 4a few months so ur gonna b stayin with a friend of mine

You: cant i jus stay home? DX im 14yrs old

Josh: i offered u a live-in nanny but you wanted 2b a 'big girl' an stay home alone

You: u were only gone 4 1wk an everythin turn out fine except 4 the tv, the bathroom, and the guest bed(*_*(

You: which totz wasnt my fault

Josh: no excuses. ur stayin with them

You: wat if i find some1 2stay home wit me?

Josh: nnooooooo

Josh: ...........

Josh: actually alrite. if u dont lik it there then u can stay home wit a friend 

Gaster!Sans x Bullied!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now