And So It Begins

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Josh POV

I honestly don't know what's wrong with Y/n. She's been sitting on the floor for 'bout an hour, maybe I shouldn't have used dead game. It does make her more stressed than usual, but it's for the best. I don't want her to get hurt again because of me.

I opened the door to Y/n's room, turned on the light, and was instantly hit with a wave of sparkles. The walls of her room were painted (f/c) with glitter. There were two desks in her room, one by the closet with a computer on it, and another infront of  the window. Her bed was to the right. Y/n had a few posters and pictures of our family on the wall next to her bed. 

I put the present on the bed, and took a picture off the wall. It was the picture our parents had taken a few days before I left. 'I shouldn't have left her there. I'm a horrible brother.' 

Normal POV

After a while, you got off the floor and walked upstairs to your room. Josh was already there looking at one of your family photos. He looked up and gave you a half smile.

"Hey, lil sis. Are you planning on going out tonight or are you going to go straight to sleep?"

"Uhh yeah. I'm gonna go to sleep, I don't feel like i should do anything," you say slowly putting your head, allowing your voice to come to a whisper. Josh walks over to you and strokes your (h/l) (h/c) hair. You slapped his and away while clenching your teeth. He gave you a concerning look since you don't provoke his brotherly gestures. 

"Josh, I'm not mad at you, I'm really not but I do need some time alone. Plus I do have school in the morning." 

"Sure Y/n. What ever you wanna do is fine with me," he said, his smile slowly fading. He hugged you good night and kissed your forehead. He left your room, closing your door behind him. You slowly made your way to your bed, and laid down facing you memories. 'I do miss Mom and Dad, but he can't send me back there. Damn. I have to play my cards right, the last thing I want is to see anyone get hurt because of me.' After a few minutes, you feel into a deep sleep.

[A/N I know this is a mega short chapter, or atleast shorter than what i like it to be, but a lot of stuff is happening right now and I don't really have any ideas because of that so i'll try to update when i can]

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