Chapter 1

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Note: Italics are the person's thoughts


Lullaby Incident - Episode 8

General POV

A ghostly white figure stood among the trees, unseen by any of the people below.

"... but as long as you step forward with faith in tomorrow, you'll find that your strength will emerge on its own. You'll be able to smile and live life to the fullest. You don't need some special flute for that." Makarov said, with a stern glare at Kageyama.

"...I... give up..." Kageyama said, dropping to his knees and bowing down in defeat.

The white figure slowly nodded. "Well said..." it murmured solemnly. No one heard it due to the clamour below. "If only you were around in my time..."

It looked towards the flute that Kageyama dropped. "I fear what will happen when she breaks out of that flute. I can sense her impatience." The figure brushed its ethereal hair away from its eyes. "I am rather torn... I want to see my best friend again, but I am sure that she will hate me for what I did to her... I hope that-"

The figure's thoughts were interrupted as a squeal suddenly came from Makarov; down below, he was getting crushed by Erza, and the guild masters were all chuckling at the sight.

The figure chuckled slightly too. "If only we had such ties back then... Things would not have gone the way they did... Perhaps I would not have been corrupted, and perhaps I wouldn't have killed Princess L-"

Once again, the figure's thoughts were interrupted. A deep, menacing voice could be heard from the flute. "I GROW TIRED OF ALL YOU GUTLESS WIZARDS!!!"

The figure shuddered. "Oh dear... Looks like she is mad... I'll give her some time to vent before I step in. At the present rate, it looks like I will have to intervene in 17 minutes, give or take 2"

A bright purple circle formed in the sky. "I CAN NO LONGER HOLD BACK! I SHALL EAT YOU MYSELF!"

As soon as the words ended, two massive wooden legs smashed down upon the valley. "I WILL DEVOUR YOUR SOULS!!"

As if to demonstrate her power, she then sent a massive burst of sound magic towards the nearby mountain, and it resulted in a colossal explosion that could be heard and seen for miles.

"Hmmm..." The figure muttered, seemingly unaffected by the light and the sound. "She is not as powerful as I expected her to be. Although she certainly is more powerful than back then. Let's see how this generation fares against the Overture of Doom"

Lucy POV

"Let's go!" Erza yelled to Gray and Natsu.

"Yeah!" They responded, the three of them charging towards Lullaby.

"Wait!" I yelled, taking out my keys "I can help too!"

"No!" Natsu yelled back at me "You aren't strong enough for this Luce!"

"For once, I agree with ash head here!" Gray called back "You aren't powerful enough!"

"Shut up boys" Erza said sternly, looking back and giving them a death glare. "Focus on the task at hand. No need to state the obvious."

I felt a pang in my heart. 'Did they really think that I'm not strong enough?' I looked towards Lullaby's massive form. 'Maybe... Maybe I really cannot do anything to help.'

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