Chapter 11

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The image in the media is Arcannen. He looks the same, but just envision his armor as green.

Draxon's POV - 2AM downstairs

"Goddamn mosquitoes" I mumbled, half asleep as I swatted one on my neck. "Why do such pests exist in this world?"

They just wouldn't go away! I got out of my bed (couch?) with a grumble and walked over to the sink to get some water. "If I knew that there were - THAT'S IT!" The same mosquito tried to bite me (A/N: Is that how you are supposed to say it?) and I had enough. I made a tiny ball of hellfire and incinerated it.

"Okay, maybe that was a bit overkill..." I thought with amusement. "It was just a mosquito..."

I was just getting back to my couch when I heard a whimpering from upstairs. I froze, uncertain of how to react. I didn't want to go into her room for obvious reasons... "In normal circumstances, I would go and investigate... But this time, I think I'll pass..."

Then, I caught a slight whiff of something that made me instantly awake and alert. "No... It can't possibly be... That smell..." I bolted upstairs and charged into Lucy's room, the door banging off the wall. 

Lucy didn't wake up. Inside, I could see nothing that was out of the normal, everything seemed to be in place.

"I could have sworn" I thought, trailing off. "Ahhh... I must have imagined it. I was still half asleep after all" 

I was just about to leave when I heard her whimper again. Concerned, I gingerly approached her and once again, that smell reached my nose. I felt a cold shiver go down my spine... That smell could only mean one thing. I looked more closely and sure enough, there was a symbol inscribed onto her forehead

I cursed under my breath. "Dammit... How can the Void possibly be here? I did not sense an agent anywhere."

"Indeed you would not" a raspy voice said from behind me. Reacting reflexively, I materialized my sword and swung it straight at the source of the voice. It dodged the blade, but moved into the moonlight. Standing in front of me, was Arcannen the Corruptor. He was clad in the same green armor as I remember.

"Dear dear. That's not the way to greet an old friend" he said menacingly, his eyes glowing a bright green.

"We were never friends Arcannen!" I growled. "What did you to Lucy?"

"Have all these years made you senile? Surely you of all people should recognize that symbol, considering you were the one who invented the 'Everlasting Nightmare' spell in the first place."

I gripped my sword tighter, knowing that if what Arcannen said was true, Lucy would not survive for long. "You... You..."

"Ahhhh... The mighty Lich King, leader of the dread armies of the Void, rendered speechless by his subordinate? Pathetic. You used to never care about wasting lives. Have you gone soft?"

"I have not gone soft! I was never soft! I was possessed by that thing whose existence is an insult to the universe! So shut up you filthy decaying skeleton!" I said harshly, preparing my magic.

"Hmmm.... You have not lost your sharp tongue I see... Then fight me. If you win, I will undo the spell" his empty eye sockets glowed red. "But if you lose... She will be a slave to the Void"

"The Void is no more! I made sure of that!" I yelled at him. "You will not be able to bring him back!"

"Oh, it is too late. I have already set the wheels in motion... Soon... You will face his full wrath."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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