Chapter 5

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Note: I just realised the music link cannot be accessed by clicking on it, so I added it in the comments. Sorry!

Italics = thoughts

Draxon's POV

"Lucy!" I shouted as I saw her collapse onto the snow. I scrambled over to her and put a finger on the base of her neck. There was a pulse, but it was very faint. "I have to get her out of here" I thought, trying not to panic. "She will not survive if she remains in the cold much longer, despite her having this coat"

I tried lifting her up bridal style, I managed to do it, but crikey she was heavy! "Holy crap, how is she so heavy yet looks so normal?" I pondered, walking slowly through the snow.

Progress was slow, as a blizzard was about to start, and we were barely over the ridge. "Dammit. At this rate, we will both freeze to death". I cursed. "Of all the ways to die, we die to hypothermia from a blizzard? 10/10..."

Suddenly, I collided with someone walking this way, it was an old man in a thick coat similar to Lucy's. He was holding an object that radiated warmth and emitted a small amount of light. "Oof. Sorry about that." He looked at me, then saw who I was carrying. "Is that Lucy?"

"It is" I replied, slightly suspicious of this man. "And how would you know her name?"

"Because she's the one who accepted my job request" he said. "Originally, she came to Mt Hakobe to complete a job for me, but judging by her condition, she met with some difficulty?"

"You could say that" I said with a small smile. "Some? That's got to be the biggest understatement of the year."

"Do you know a fast way down sir?" I asked the old man. "Being caught in a blizzard is not the best thing for your health"

"Call me William" he said. "And yes, a blizzard is rather detrimental for your health. There is a fast way down, but unfortunately, there's only enough room for two"

"Two, then that means..." I trailed off.

"Yes... One of you has to remain behind" he said.

Silence fell between us, the onsets of the blizzard starting to be felt by both of us.

Suddenly, William burst out laughing. "Just joking. You can both fit in there"

I let out a sigh of relief. "Good lord... I was going to have a heart attack". I followed William to a cliff side, where he disappeared behind a boulder and returned pulling a rather battered sled.

"Are you sure that thing's safe?" I asked, eyeing the shoddiness of the sled.

"Nope" he said cheerfully. "But then again, if we want to get down the mountain before the blizzard sets in, this is our best bet."

I would have face palmed if not for the fact that Lucy was in my arms. Speaking of, how is she going to fit in there? There's hardly enough space for two, let alone three.

"How do you propose that we get Lucy in there?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at William. "There's not enough space."

"You will have to put her in your lap" William replied, with a sly grin. "But I don't think that you'll dislike it will you?"

I turned furiously red. Honestly, if I didn't need him to steer the sled, I would use "Mortal Coil" on his face right here right now. "This is NOT helping" I thought irritably, as William started chuckling at my facial expression.

"Could we please just get on the sled already!?" I yelled at William. "The blizzard is starting."

He slowly stopped laughing. "Right, right. The blizzard" he got on the sled and took hold of the reins. "All aboard"

Resurrection - A Fairy Tail Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora