Chapter 3

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Remember: Italics means thoughts

Draxon's POV

I sighed sadly as I walked out of my laboratory. Deliora and Lullaby were both showing no signs of improvement, even after all these months. My heart felt heavy, similar to how I felt after I killed – I broke off before I could continue that thought. It was far too painful to recount. I finally reached the lake, and I floated over the water to the solitary tree in the centre of it (The image in the media).

There, I started to think "What do I do now? I have found both Deliora and Lullaby..." I gazed upon the red planet above my head. "Hmmm... I suppose I could go and investigate as to who Lucy really is." I nodded, set on my idea. "But that means I'll have to break myself free of this prison made of Lich Ice..."

I shuddered, remembering the agony of my failed attempt. "And I thought being possessed was bad enough... I really DON'T want to go through it again" I sighed. "Looks like Lucy will have to wait... I might just devote some more time to finding out why my friends aren't waking up." I turned and floated back to the shore and started walking back to my lab.

For some strange reason, I felt heavier and more tired with each step I took. "This rate of tiredness isn't normal" I thought sluggishly, my mind slowing down. "It's always far slower... What's...... Happe-" I collapsed to the ground and everything went black. The last thing I remembered seeing was the door to my dimension speeding away.

Lucy's POV

I walked up to the job board in the guild, scanning all the available jobs for taking. None of them were particularly interesting, but as I turned to leave, a bright glint of light caught my eye. Intrigued, I picked it off the board and inspected it.

Please Help!

My wife and I were up on Mt Hakobe, picking ice flowers to celebrate our 60th anniversary, when a gust of wind picked up, and blew her favourite hat into a crevasse. That hat was the one I gave her for our 50th anniversary, and it brings back lots of good memories. We are old, and we no longer have the agility to go down icy crevasses, nor do we have the magic to do so. Please help!

Reward: 100,000 J

"How has no one taken this before? The pay isn't bad, and the job is simple enough, well... compared to fighting monsters anyway." My mind made up, I started to call out Natsu's name when I remembered that he was being rather distant. "If only Wendy was here..." I thought with a small sigh. All of team Natsu were ignoring me lately, except for her. I mean, I don't really blame them. The reappearance of a person that we thought was dead would be a really big shock. I would probably have done the same if I were in their shoes. "After all, they were very good friends long before I was here"

I reached the counter where Mira was cleaning glasses with her usual cheery smile. "Hey Mira, can I take this job please?" I asked, handing her the sheet.

Mira put down the glass she was holding and inspected the sheet of paper. "Sure thing Lucy!" She said with her smile and stamped it. "How was this still there? I thought Natsu would have taken it for sure."

I felt a little pang in my heart as I heard Mira mention Natsu, but I pushed it aside. "You know him, he probably saw that there were no monsters to fight, so he ignored it." I said casually.

"Probably" Mira said with a light laugh. "Anyway, stay safe Lucy!"

"I will!" I said, giving Mira a wave. "Things will resolve themselves eventually, they always do." I thought as I walked to the massive doors of the guild. "He'll start talking to me again soon... I hope".

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