Chapter 9

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Italics = Thoughts

Note: Do not play the media until told to xD

Draxon's POV

I walked along the road to Magnolia, humming a cheery tune to myself. The sunset made the gravel road look more yellow than normal, and my shadow was several times longer than normal. Intrigued, I made a shadow butterfly with my magic and to be honest, it looked more like a grossly mutated moth. The position of the sun enlarged its antennas and made the body massive.

"Note to self, at this time of day, any shadow figures you make are horrendously distorted" I thought, amused at the result. I watched it fly around for a bit. "I could do a nice prank with this... If only Deliora was here... He would love it..."

The butterfly soon vanished and I started walking again along the lonely stretch of road, my mood somewhat dampened at the memory of my friend. "The first thing I should have done upon being freed was find a way back to my dimension... Instead, I ran around a quarter or Fiore doing nothing really..." My mood saddened a bit more. "What sort of a friend am I? I didn't even give them a single thought... For all I know, they could be in my dimension, helpless..."

The sun was getting lower on the horizon, and soon I would be walking in darkness. "Dammit. Perhaps I should have taken the carriage back after all." I cursed as the last rays of sun disappeared over the hills. "Great... It is now night and I am in the middle of nowhere"

Suddenly, I heard a branch snap behind me, I instantly spun around, throwing a handful of demonfire straight at the source of the sound. It hit the bushes and it exploded with a dull boom, incinerating it. I heard a low grunt and I saw a figure step out of the bushes.

"Watch where you're throwing that will you? Even though I'm a demon, demonfire still hurts quite a bit." The figure said, brushing the ashes off his coat.

"It was your fault for being so clumsy" said another female voice from the trees.

Those two voices were ones I would have recognised anywhere, anytime. "Lullaby? Deliora?" I said hopefully. "Is that you?"

"Do you know another like me?" Lullaby said, hopping down from the branch and landing in front of me. Deliora followed behind, occasionally pinching out demonfire that seemed to randomly ignite on him.

"No I don't as a matter of fact." I said happily. "So what happened? How did you wake up?"

"Before I tell you that, I have to do something first" Lullaby said sweetly with a closed-eyed smile and her head tilted slightly to one side. Deliora went pale and jumped behind a tree, I wanted to do the same thing, whenever Lullaby says something in that pose... You wish that you'd never have been born...

I started sweating bullets. "Errr... Errr...." I stuttered, backing away. Lullaby slowly stalked closer, summoning up a rather deadly looking hammer made of hellfire. My eyes bulged out of my head as I saw that hammer, I turned around and sprinted away.

"Oh Draxooooooooon~~~~" she sang dementedly as she pranced after me. "Come baaaaaaack~~~~"

"Welp..." Deliora said as he watched Lullaby try and murder me. "At least things are back to normal. Well... As normal as things get when those two are around..." He looked at me right as the hammer smashed onto my head. The impact made a huge crater in the ground with me face-down in the centre.

"Ooohhh..." he said, cringing. "That must hurt..."

"You think?" I muttered, my voice faint and muffled. A massive lump appeared on my head and if anyone saw me, it would be understandable if they thought birds were migrating to my head.

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