Chapter 8

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Italics = Thoughts

Image in the media is William and Alice's house. Although they do not have trees growing behind their house.

Draxon's POV

I sat at a table under an umbrella outside, drinking my strawberry milkshake and watching the crowd of people walk past. "Wow. This shop sure makes delicious milkshakes! Not to mention the best ice cream I've had in a while!" Opposite me, Lucy seemed to be having the same thoughts.

"Mmmmm, this is amazing!" Lucy said happily. "How did you know strawberry milkshakes are my favourite?"

"I didn't" I replied, amused. "Strawberry is my favourite flavour so I ordered that. Then again, ANY milkshake flavour goes alright with me."

"Now that is something I can relate to!" Lucy said. She drank the whole glass in one gulp and coughed violently.

"Careful Lucy" I scolded her. "You just lived through a group of bandits' botched kidnapping. It would be rather ironic if you die from choking on your favourite drink."

"I won't die" she coughed. "Stop exaggerating! Also, what did happen on the night those bandits attacked? Did you see what killed them so violently?"

I set my drink down on the table, my hopes of never bringing up that topic again dashed. "Well..." I began slowly. For some reason, I felt compelled to tell her the truth. "No. You cannot. She will definitely not take it well."

Finally, I decided to modify the truth. "I did... But I only caught a glimpse of it before I fainted."

Lucy's POV

"So he DID see it. That's why he looked so pale when usually, he's so normal." I thought. I waited for him to continue. When he didn't, I asked "Are you going to tell me what it looked like?"

Draxon hesitated, it seemed as if he really didn't want to tell me. But in the end, he gave up under my inquisitive stare "As I said, I only caught a quick glimpse of it. But all I remember was a lot of green energy and the overwhelming sense of death"

"Death energy?" I was immediately interested. "The only known death magic user is Zeref, but I'm pretty certain that it wasn't him, otherwise he'd kill all of us."

"Yes, and the energy was green as well... You know any-"

Draxon's voice faded as I suddenly remembered something... Zeref WASN'T the only one with death magic...


He raised his claw-like hand and shouted a spell. "MORTAL COIL!!" The spell hit the spirit king straight in the chest, and he fell back with a grunt. (A/N: Taken directly from chapter 5)

--Flashback End—

Shock was coursing through me. "No... It cannot possibly be HIM... Just a coincidence that the feel of magic is exactly the same..." Unconciously, I was clenching my fist and the same anger that I felt when I was in the memory boiled within me.

"Lucy? Lucy!" Draxon was yelling.

"Huh? What?" I was startled out of my thoughts.

"You spaced out for a moment there. You seem to have something bothering you." He inspected me closely, not realising that my heartbeat sped up slightly under his gaze. "Does 'green death energy' mean something to you?"

I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to tell him, but at the same time, I got a nagging feeling that he wouldn't like what I said. Then again, he's my friend, so I can trust him.

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