Chapter 4

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Remember: Italics are thoughts

Lucy's POV

"Is that the same wind you felt?" I asked William, who was coming along behind me.

"It was" William confirmed. "It was exactly the sa-"

A loud crack suddenly filled the air, I spun around, and I saw William falling down a hole in the ice.

"William!" I yelled, scrambling back to where he previously was. "Are you alright!?"

"I'm fine!" William's echoing voice came from the hole. "This is the same hole I fell into last week! I can get out in a jiffy!"

"Hold on, I'll summon a spirit to help!" I yelled, as I pulled out Virgo's key.

"No need to!" William yelled back. "You keep on going! It's going to be dark soon and navigating your way through the mountain during the night is suicide!"

"But how will you get out?"

"I already made a path back up!" I heard a shuffling noise come from the hole. "You don't need to worry about me! The crevasse where my wife's hat was lost is just over the ridge ahead of you! I'll meet you over the ridge when I get out!"

"Okay then!" I turned and pulled my hood back on, but couldn't resist asking. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes! Thanks for your concern! But you really should get moving. I'm expecting heavy snow tonight, so you must hurry!" More shuffling sounds could be heard. "There's still roughly two hours left until night falls, you know!"

"Got it! I'll be back before that time!" I said as I headed to the ridge.

As I approached the ridge, I heard metallic clanging and a rather familiar voice. I crept silently to the ridge and poked my head over; two people seemed to be fighting it out, and one of them was a person I hoped never to see again.

"Erigor!" I thought, shocked. "Why would he be here on Mt Hakobe?"

I watched the fight some more, and I saw the other person get trapped in a tornado. "And why do I feel like I know him too?" I shook my head. "I'll worry about that later. If Erigor is fighting against this guy, then it must mean that they are not friends..."

I let out a little gasp as I saw that guy smash into the snow, and Erigor raise his scythe high.

A shiver crept down my spine as I heard Erigor pronounce the words of execution, "Goodbye false king"

"No!" I shouted out before I could stop myself. "Why am I even doing this?" I thought as I leapt out from my hiding place, pulling out Leo's key and my whip. "And what does Erigor mean by false king?"

Draxon's POV

"Looks like this is it then..." I gazed up at the scythe poised above my head, the poison was coursing through my body, preventing me from moving. "There was still so much I wanted to do... So much more I wanted to see..."

As I was accepting my fate, I heard a shout and something whistling through the air and I saw something wrap itself around Erigor's scythe.

"What?" I heard Erigor say, surprised. He spun his head around. "You!"

"Erigor! You were the one who planned the death of the masters! You will be brought to justice!"

"Hah! And I remember you girly! You were that weak celestial mage weren't you? Lucy, I think your name was. You and your friends caused me much annoyance, I will finally be able to get some revenge!"

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