Chapter 2

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Remember: Italics is the person's thoughts

Galuna Island - Episode 12

Draxon's POV

I stared at the island with its eerie purple hemisphere covering it. I was both amazed and somewhat disgusted at the amount of residue from the Moon Drip spell. "Why?" I thought in bitter disgust. "Why in Earthland would you use probably the most inefficient spell ever created?"

I turned and started pacing up and down on the cloud that I was standing on. "A simple Mana Siphon would probably solve your problem; Deliora is encased in ice made from the body of the caster, which means that the ice has enormous energy imbued into it. If you siphon the energy from it, it would basically be normal ice, elementary knowle-"

"Not everyone knows as much about magic as you do Draxon" Lullaby's amused voice sounded from behind me. "They didn't have access to the Imperial Library and even if they did, they wouldn't be such a bookworm as you were."

I did a double take. "How does she know what I'm thinking?"

"Silly Draxon, you taught me how to. Remember?"

I facepalmed, remembering. "I really should have been more careful as to who I teach... Lest they turn out as annoying as-"

"Lest they what?" Lullaby asked sweetly, her eyes turning blood red; a sign that someone was going to be in pain. A LOT of pain.

I started sweating bullets (A/N: Yes, Lullaby is scary enough to make Draxon's projection sweat xP) "OH! Errr.... Errr..."

I was saved the necessity of thinking up a reply, as a massive explosion ripped through the mountain, and shards of ice flew everywhere.

I looked to the source of the explosion. "Well... I certainly did not expect the Moon Drip to have such a drastic effect".

"That wasn't the effect of the Moon Drip" Lullaby remarked from behind me, her eyes turning back to their normal purple.

"What was it then?"

Lullaby wrinkled her nose in slight disgust. "It was that ice-make wizard that attacked me back when those masters were meeting. His name was Greg or something"

"Gray" I corrected her. "But who's he fighting against? Who's that person in the mask?"

"No idea. Why don't I go and see?"

"Just don't let them see you" I warned her. "Because you know, Fairy Tail is rather... unstable..."

"I know that. I'll be careful" Lullaby said with a roll of her eyes as she flew off.

Right as she said that, I saw her fly headfirst into a chunk of ice that came from Gray and the masked person. I chuckled heartily at this, and Lullaby shot me a glare that plainly said "I will eviscerate you". I quickly looked away, shivering. If looks could kill, I would be dead.

"Deliora. I hope I am not too late" I thought as I glided down to the mountain.

Lullaby's POV

"I will pull out his intestines bit by bit..." I grumbled as I rubbed my sore head. "He should try smashing head first into an abnormally hard block of ice."

I continued my muttering as I flew behind a chunk of rubble, to the right of the place where the duo were glaring daggers at each other. I quickly retracted my wings, before anyone noticed.

"An acquaintance of yours Cold Emperor Lyon?" Yuka said from behind Lyon.

"Lyon... So that's his name" I thought. "Cold Emperor? Hmmmmm.... Nice title, but I think mine is better"

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