Chapter 7

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Italics = Thoughts

Draxon's POV

I was feeling a bit sick, partly from the jittering of the carriage, but mainly because of what transpired a few hours ago. "Why did I have to lose control like that? I didn't mean to kill any of them!" I tried not to think about it, but the more I tried not to, the more I found myself thinking about the leader's words. "Am I really one to judge who lives and who dies?"

Deep in my thoughts, I did not realise that we had arrived at our destination until someone was calling out to me. "Sir? Sir!" I snapped out of my thoughts startled. I was in front of a large building with carriages in neat rows under a shelter.

"Have you come to return this carriage?" a boy said. He looked to be around 16.

"Yes I have." I answered. "Is this where I leave it?"

"Yes. You can leave it here. Leave the rest to me." The boy said, motioning me off the carriage. He looked in the carriage. "Also, your girlfriend seems to be fast asleep. You might need to wake her up"

"For the last time, she is not my girlfriend!" I protested. The boy chuckled and wagged a finger at me.

"Are you sure about that? I mean she is very pretty and all." he asked merrily.

"YES!" I shouted. Although I must admit, I didn't really like him calling Lucy pretty. However, I was desperate to change the subject, I asked the boy "Do you know of any hotels or inns that we can stay at?"

"Ummmm..." He looked around and pointed towards the end of the street. "There should be one just around the corner there."

"Okay thanks." I said, walking to the carriage door, and carrying Lucy out, ignoring the boy's sniggering. "It seems that I have been doing nothing but carrying Lucy around..." I thought.

I entered the inn and luckily it was very quiet, so there weren't that many onlookers. "Hello there" the innkeeper said heartily, wiping empty glasses. "How may I help ya?"

"Hello, I'm looking to rent two rooms for the night. Do you have any available?"

The innkeeper scratched his head, thinking. "Arrr... I'm sorry friend. I only have one available room, but it's big an' can easily fit the two of ya."

"Is that the only option?" I asked. "Because..." I looked at Lucy, who was still sleeping. "Yeah... You get my meaning. Don't want people to get the wrong idea you know."

"Hehe. I do, but unfortunately, that's the only room I have." The innkeeper grinned. "But then again... The room is very soundproof... If you get my meaning." He waggled his eyebrows.

I wanted to smash my head onto the counter. "GODDAMMIT!!!" I screamed in my mind. "WHY IS EVERYONE SO SICK MINDED!?!?!?" I let out a groan. "All I wanted was a place for me and my FRIEND, yes FRIEND to stay the night..." I looked and felt depressed.

"Awww... Come on mate, I was just jokin'. You can't take a teensy joke?" Seeing that I still looked sad, he took pity on me. "How about this, I'll let ya rent the room for half price."

"Fine..." I mumbled. "Just stop poking fun at me..."

He laughed and handed me the key to the room, and I trudged rather ungracefully up the stairs, trying my best not to bump Lucy's head on the wall.

I entered the room, placing Lucy down on the bed. "I saw a medicine shop on the way here. I wonder if they are still open, since I really need to get bandages for that leg wound."

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