Chapter Four

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After saying my goodbyes to all of my friends, I headed on the plane with Tyler. It was the hardest leaving Chris. His words kept coming back to me. Is hope every really enough? I closed my eyes to imagine it was Chris sitting near me, Not Tyler.

In order to get on the plane, we had to get out of Animus. To do that, we have a special key. It was made for us from the Warlocks of Animus. It has our name and our symbol on it. All we have to do it aim it in mid-air and say 'Animus'. Unfortunately, it only worked to get in and out of Animus. So we couldn't use it to teleport us to Canada. We left from New York.

I was doing fine pretending Chris was with me until I heard Tyler say, "So what do you want to do when we get there?"

We hadn't left the plane yet and I was about to answer him when I felt this pain surging through my body. Then when it hit my head, it felt unbearable. It was like my brain had a tiny mind of his own and wanted to escape out of me. I groaned holding my head.

"What's wrong? Rose?" Tyler said.

I ignored him. The pain was too much. The suddenly I wasn't in the plane anymore, I was in a... Van? And my mother and brother were in it.

"What's going on?" I said. Although, they acted like I wasn't even there.

"Let us go!" My brother, Alex, exclaimed. His hands were tied behind his back and so were my moms.

I wanted to go help them. I tried to move. But I couldn't. It's like I was paralyzed. I couldn't even move an inch.

"Shut up!" The guard yelled. He slapped Alex across the face and aimed a gun at them.

What's going on? I thought to myself.

"No! Don't touch him!" My mother, Joanna yelled. Then she spit in his face.

The guards face was filled with anger. "When we get to Palm Springs, you two will be dead." He smiled. "Dead!" Then he socked Joanna's face which made her fly across the back of the van.

No. They're strong. They can get through this. Dead? Dead? No way. I couldn't bear to see his any longer I shut my eyes in hope I would get out of here.

It worked.

"Rose. Rose."

I opened my eyes. The assistant was putting a wet towel on my forehead. Did I just have a vision? Duh.

"I'm fine."

"What happened? You just started squealing and then you passed out."

"I'm fine." I repeated. Ten realization hit me. My mom and brother were in trouble. I grabbed my bags from the cabinets above me, jumped out of my seat and ran out the plane.

I heard Tyler called my name but I didn't risk looking back. I ran to the desk secretary and said, "Is there a chance I could refund my ticket to somewhere else. It doesn't matter about the price. If its more, I'll pay extra. Just please."

Tyler caught up just in time I hear what I had to say. "What? But Rose, we have to get to Can-"

I cut him off. "I need to go to Palm Springs."

She looked something up on the computer. I wanted to just push her off and look myself. But that would get me kicked out of the air port.

"We can't take you to Palm Springs, but we can take you to Los Angeles. Then you can drive their." She told me.

I nodded. Best I can get. "Will that cost extra?"

She shook her head. "It'll cost less."

"Rose. What are you doing. We need to get to Canada."

"Are you coming with me or not?" I asked frustrated.

"Why are we going to Palm Springs anyway?"

"Just trust me. Please!"

He sighed and turned to the secretary, "Make that two tickets to the nearest plane for Palm Springs."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

He nodded. We traded or Canada to let's for palm springs. She gave us part amount of the money that we didn't need.

"You two better hurry. Plane is leaving in five minutes."

Without hesitation, I grabbed my luggage and ran towards the plane. I felt like the people in movies ironically always late for their plane. We made it under the minute and sat down.

"So tell me again. Why are we going?"

I explained to him what had happened in the plane.

"You think they're in trouble?"

"Well the man said they're going to get killed once they hit Palm Springs." I pointed out.

He shrugged. "Whatever you say."

The ride felt long. Every second wasted, another second they would get slapped across the room. We stepped out of the plane and felt the warm air wrapping around me.

We were in Los Angeles.

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