Chapter Twelve

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"Here we are. The late 'La Foun Te'." The woman said. 

We walked out of the car. "Thank you." I said.

"My pleasure. Have fun, stay safe!" She started to drive off and then we heard her say, "Use protection!"

I felt uncomfortable and Tyler laughed. Then realization hit me. This is it. This is where we save Joanna and Alex.

"Ready?" Tyler asked.

"No. You're not coming with me. It's safer if you stay out here." I said.

He shook his head. "Hell no. I've came this far with you. We're in this together." He laced his fingers with mine. "Now lets kick some evil butt."

I laugh. "Okay." Then we walked towards the door.

Tyler opened the door. "Unlocked. That's pretty stupid for an evil villain." 

"Because they're expecting us." I told Tyler about Hannah in the car and he was a shocked as I was. 

We walked in. The building had wood covered windows, and broken glass on the floor. It screamed 'horror movie' already, and we were about to voluntarily walk in to it. 

"Come on." Tyler demanded. 

"It's so dirty in here." I complained.

The room had boxes and spider webs in the corner, shattered glass tables in the center, and dead animals everywhere. For safety, I reached into my boot and grabbed my dagger. I always left it in there.

"There are the stairs. My guess is that they're probably upstairs." Tyler pointed out.

"Yeah, let's go." A few steps in, we heard a door slam. I gasped and Tyler put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet.

"Shhh." Tyler whispered. "Come on." He led me towards the corner, and we hid behind the boxes. His hand was still on my mouth. 

Then we heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Creek. Creeeek. Every step scared the hell out of me. Was it Hannah? Will I have the power to fight her?

"Stay here." Tyler whispered in my ear. He then crawled on the dark side in the room, thankfully boxes, and tables were blocking him. I had the urge I see who it was. I peeked just a bit to to see-- Tyler coming from behind the figure and attacking from behind. I caught a glimpse of the figure.


I heard grunting and hitting. I couldn't let him do it alone. I left my hiding spot and ran for Hannah. When she saw me, her eyes widened. 

"Rose, No!" Tyler yelped.

I punched Hannah and she fell backwards. 

"I'll take care of her. Go look for my mom and brother!" I demanded.


"Go!" I yelled.

He nodded and ran upstairs. I jerked my head back to see Hannah running towards me, dagger in her hand. I gripped mine hard and dodged her attack. She groaned. She ran towards me once again and kicked my jaw and I flew back. 

I heard her laugh. "Little weakling." 

I got up quickly and kicked her on the head. She hit the wall.

"Urg! Son of a--" Before she can finish, I punched her jaw once, then twice. Then I grabbed her blonde hair and slammed her face on the hard ground. She was weeping.

"You traitor." I said through gritted teeth and slammed her again. I then flipped her so she can face me. "I don't want to kill you, Hannah. But you leave me no choice." Her eyes widened. I lifted up my dagger, aiming for her chest. This was it. I was going to kill one of my best friends. Then I didn't. Inches away from her chest, the dagger got knocked out of my hand. 

I looked up and my saw a built,large figure. There was a bit of light that I could see his face. But I couldn't recognize him... But I knew him. The man in my dream. The man I had in my life when I was two years old. Realization hit me. My mother erased my memories so I wouldn't remember this specific man. This man had the Sun and Moon symbol on his neck. A lot of memories came back to me, with this man. Since I was ten. When we would play at the park, when he would read me bed time stories and tuck me in at night. When he told me he loves me...

The man standing in front of me was my father. 

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