Chapter Six

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Five minutes into the ride, I felt the pain again. The same pain from the flight. I gripped my head and groaned.

"Rose?" I heard Tyler say.

"It's," I started breathing heavily again. "starting again."

Then, there came the vision. Alex and Joanna were there, except they were no longer in the van. They were in a room. It was dark and boring. The windows were sealed up and the only light was coming from the bent lamp in the corner.

"Is she here?" Alex asked. 

Is who here?

Joanna's eyes were closed and seemed like she was concentrating.

On what? 

Then she opened her eyes. "Yes." Her eyes were wandering around the room like she was looking for someone. "Rosalie." She whispered. 

I flinched. She knew I was watching? Or was she just hoping I was okay?

"Rosalie. Whatever you do, Don't try to save us." Too late. "It was an accident summoning you here the first time. Just don't! They're just trying to lure you here." Joanna warned.

Lure me here? What do they want from me? My answer came just as I asked.

My symbol.

"I mean it, Rose. We'll get ourselves out on our own." Joanna continued. 

What was I supposed to do? Leave then here so they could possibly die? No. Not an option. 

I left my room and opened my eyes. I was in the taxi.

"Another vision?" Tyler asked.

I nodded. I didn't have any words. Then I took in the surroundings around me. "Where are we?" It looked as if we were in the middle of nowhere, 

He shrugged. "Hmm, I don't know. I was busy paying attention to you." He faced the driver. "Sir, are you sure this is the way to Palm Springs?" No answer.

I stared in confusion, then I did a double take. I remember what the professors said. 

"Remember. Any demon can transform themselves to make them look human. You will know because they'll have a tattoo of a fiery cross on their wrist. And they won't talk. So don't fall for it."

The driver had they fiery cross on his wrist- and he wasn't talking. My eyes widened in shock. "Get out of the car!" I yelled.

I open the door and jump out, laying on the hard, brown grass. Tyler followed along. 

"What's going on?" He asked worriedly. 

Before I can respond, I felt a sharp claw clawing on my lower back. I groaned. I turned and saw the demon behind me. 

Tyler was first to act. He slashed the stomach with the dagger the academy gave all students.

In order to kill a demon, you either have to rip their head off or stab them with the dagger.

That's what Tyler did. Just a the demon stumbled backwards, he stabbed the dagger into the demons body in one swift motion.

I was breathing heavily. Tyler came and offered his hand. I took it and he helped me up. "Are you alright?" He asked, still holding my hand.

I nodded. "I'm fine. Thanks." Despite how much I disliked Tyler, he was an amazing warrior. 

"Are you sure?" He let my hand go, spun me around and lifted the back of my shirt up.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed spinning around to face him.

"The demon clawed you." He said.

I totally forgot. It hurt but I wasn't thinking too much of it. "Turn."

I did and he lifted my shirt back up. "How does it look?" I asked.

"Scarred. But you'll heal quickly. The demon didn't claw too much, so it won't leave a permanent scar." Tyler says. He pulled it back down and I turned around.

"Thank you." I said. "Now how are we going to get to Palm Springs. I don't even know where we are."

He walked over towards the car. "Looks decent." He examined.

"Enough for us to drive?"

"Let's see." He sat on the drivers seat and twisted the key that was still in the hole. It worked. "Hop in."

And I did. I got in the passenger seat.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Good thing Palm Springs is till on the GPS." I did a double take. "Do you even know how to drive?"

Tyler nodded. "My mom taught me how to drive at fifteen."

"Are you any good?" Tyler can protect us from Demons but I wasn't positive that he wouldn't accidentally run over someone on the way. Hey, maybe he'll run over a Demon -although it won't kill them. Completely. 

He sighed. "Let's find out."

The car zoomed so fast, I felt like my face would fall out.

Dear Lord help me.

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