Chapter Thirteen

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"Rosalie." He whispered. "I'm Maxus." 

"My father." I said.

He gave a smile. "You know. I thought Joanna erased your memories."

"She did." I stood up. "But I'm powerful enough to break out of it." 

"Aaah, my daughter. Sun and Moon. You, my dear, was born lucky. Alex, now, he was just lucky to be born." He said.

"Don't talk about Alex like that!" I yelled.

He smiled. "Yes, because he's your precious brother." He said sarcastically. "You don't need them. You need to be with me. Your sun and moon."

"I didn't even know if you were alive!" I protested.

"I was there in your life. But your mother hid you away from me." He exclaimed.

"That's because you were trying to take her away from us!" I heard a new voice yell. Too familiar. I turned around and saw Alex and Joanna with Tyler. 

I gasped. "Mom, Alex."

"Hello Rose. Guess you didn't listen I me when I said don't come." She smiled. "Maxus. How dare you."

"Joanna. You're still as beautiful as you were eight years ago." Maxus said, confidently.

"Shut up, Maxus." She demanded. "You'll never get her."

"Why do you want my sister?" Alex cut in. "And who the hell are you?"

He walked towards me and pushed me behind him. 

Maxus smiled. "Alex, I'm your father."

Alex's eyes widened. "No. If so, why do you want Rose."

"Good question." I said.

Maxus gave a harsh laugh which made me shiver. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, and saw it was Tyler's hand. Comforting me. 

"Don't you get it?" Maxus yelled. "Rosalie is powerful. I can teach her how to control her powers. Why? So she doesn't kill herself for heavens sake!"

I tensed up. "I will never go with you. You don't want to help me. You want me for your own sake." Somehow, when I stared at Maxus, I felt like I can dig in his mind. And I revealed his secret. "You want to drain my powers so you can become even more powerful. Your sick." I exclaimed.

He smiled. "Smart little girl. You've learned to read my thoughts. Excellent. Well now since you know.."  

Suddenly, he attacked me. The room went wild. I reached for my dagger. It was across the room. Damn. I punched him on his stomach. Enough for him to stumble. I saw my other friends helping me. But then, Maxus reached out his hand and they stopped. He made a movement and they flew across the room. 

"I can't move!" Yelled Tyler.

"What did you do?" I yelled.

"This battle is meant or Moon and Sun. For father and daughter." He said, so calmly it made me mad.

"You are not my father!" I exclaimed and kicked him on his leg so he fell backwards. I punched his face twice before he flew up. Instead, he didn't attack me. He headed for my mother.

"Come with me. Now! Or you will never see your mother again." He said through gritted teeth.

I made steady hand movements. "Don't touch her." I said as calm as he was earlier.

"No, Rosalie. Don't go with him." Joanna said.

"Rosalie. Listen to me." Said Maxus.

I took a few steps forward and stopped. After a few moments I leapt  for him an he fell back. I kicked him on his side and he slid like 5 inches from the ground. I kicked his face. There I thought I won, but the I felt a smack against my head. I flew to the wall and saw the Hannah had hit me. She then helped Maxus up. What the hell was wrong with her? 

"You shouldn't have done that." Maxus chastised. 

"Rot in hell." I managed to say, holding my head.

Then, before I can say anything else, he stabbed Joanna in the neck. I gasped. "No!" I yelled, running towards her. "Mom, mom!" Her eyes closed and she was no longer breathing. 

"I hate you!" I yelled to Maxus. 

"I'll capture you once your strong again. Right now, your a useless little piece." Maxus said.

"No! I'm not finished with you yet!" I yelled.

"Oh but you are." He said before he vanished. Without Hannah.

"Hannah." I said.

She jerked her heads towards me. "What?" She asked

"What is wrong with you. I thought you were my friend. What? Has Barbara been betraying me too?"

"It was all an act. And no, Barbara is in Philadelphia."

" I don't believe it was an act. Well not all of it." 

"Okay. You want the truth?" She asked harshly. "Okay. At first, I was your friend. Your real friend. But I just kept getting jealous at how you would win ever fight and how all the boys would like you. Even the boy Im in love with."

"And who is that?"

"Chris. Christopher Jeann." I flinched. Chris. 

"How is that my fault he fell for me." 

"Just shut up." Hannah demanded. "You know what? Go ahead. Kill me. I have nothing to live for anyways. Kill me!"

I stared in confusion. "Hannah, I'm not going to kill you."

"Why?" She asked.

"Because even if you did betray me, you were still my friend. Plus u don't think can handle another death tonight." I glared at my mother. Her dark red blood meeting my boots. 

Hannah's harsh eyes turned into sympathy. Then it turned watery. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

I walked towards her and reached my hand out. "It's okay. I forgive you. Even if you did try to kill me."

She did one of her innocent laughs. She back to the Hannah I knew and loved. She accepted my hand and pulled me into a hug. I felt her warm tears on my shoulder. 

"Thank you. Thank you so so much." She said. "I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. For siding with Maxus, for playing part in this, for lying. I'm sorry!"

I patted her back. "I forgive you." 

And I truthfully did forgive her.

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