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(Travis' POV)

I moved away from Katelyn and her cheeks were pink. It was getting harder for her to hide her emotions. I was expecting her to punch me but she only grabbed my sleeve and hid hr face in my shoulder.

"You stupid jerk......" Katelyn mumbled and I chuckled.

"But I'm your stupid jerk right?" I asked.

Katelyn nodded and I kissed the top of her head.

"Maybe we could get you some kitty ears. It fits your personality." I joked and felt a fist GENTLY (oh my Irene) hit my stomach.

"Next time I'll punch you for real...." Katelyn whispered and a smile formed on my face.

*The Next Day*

Today I was going to ask Katelyn on a date. I dressed in a sweatshirt even though it was hot outside and then put on some greenish jeans. I smiled brightly and left the house. I tried to sneak past Garroth and Laurence and Dante but it didn't work.

I was almost teased to death and I barely escaped with my mind. I hurried over to Aphmau's and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" The door opened and I smiled at Aphmau.

"Hey Aphmau, is Katelyn here?" I asked and Aphmau thought for a minute.

"Hmm, no she isn't. As soon as she saw you coming, she bolted for the door and was gone. Sorry." Aphmau apologized.

She was avoiding me? Oh, was it because she let her walls crumble?

"It's fine Aphmau. I'll go find her." I said and turned away. I walked down the street and to Zane's house. If Katelyn was going to ignore me today I could at least annoy Zane.

TWO WEEKS passed and Katelyn was still avoiding me.

"Whyyy!?!? I don't think I did anything wrong!?" I complained to Dante.

"I don't know what to tell you Travis. Just......it's kind of like a cat trapping a mouse. Purposely chase after her and when you catch her, ask why she was avoiding you." Dante said.

"You're the greatest Dante! Thanks!" I ran out the door and made sure to sneak over to Aphmau's stealthily. I was at the door when I heard a soft voice.

"Travis." Lucinda said as she walked up to me.

"Urg Lucinda, you're going to blow my cover." I whispered and Lucinda chuckled.

"It's fine. I just came to tell you that I saw Katelyn over at Jeffory's. That's all." Lucinda said and started to walk away when I grabbed her arm.

"Why are you helping me? I know you like me Lucinda." I said and she nodded.

"I do Travis but.....I can live without you. Hehe." And with that she pulled away and was gone down the street.

I looked down feeling bad. I did hurt her.....I'm sorry Lucinda......I took a taxi to Jeffory's house and heard laughing.

"Jeffory you are too funny." Katelyn laughed and I felt a small pain in my heart.

I walked up to the door and knocked. The door opened and Jeffory was in front of me.

"Oh, hello Travis. Do you need something?" Jeffory asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I need Katelyn." I said and Jeffory smiled. He moved out of the way and allowed me in.

"Katelyn." I said and she jumped when she saw me. Her face turned red and she looked away.

Hey guys.....I am SO SORRY. On Wednesday my internet went out and then my sister and I went to town and then on Thursday we had family come over. I'm really sorry for the late update. And I just wanted to say that I'm going camping this week so there won't be an update at all this week. Sorry. Ok, well that's all! Bye bye my Ender Pearls!

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