Chapter 4

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Today is the day. Liz and my father were finally getting married. Liz made me one of her bridesmaids and Luke was one of my dad's groomsmen. I was helping Liz put up all of the decorations. My job was to set up the tables in the reception area. I also helped set up chairs at the venue where the ceremony would take place. I helped Liz with her makeup and hair since I'm pretty good at stuff like that. After Liz was finished with hair and makeup, the bridesmaids helped her get into her dress. All of the bridesmaids were in awe looking at Liz in her dress. It was long and slightly poofy. It fit her perfectly.

It was finally time for the ceremony. All of the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the isle. My dad was standing at the end, waiting. Liz started walking down. She looked absolutely stunning. I saw my dad starting to tear up. Luke looked so handsome in the black and white suit he was wearing. Liz finally reached the end of the isle and met my dad. The preacher started the ceremony. "Do you, Robert take Liz to be your wife? To have and to hold. To cherish. For better or worse. In sickness and in health." "I do." "Do you, Liz take Robert to be your husband? To have and to hold. To cherish. For better or worse. In sickness and in health." "I do." Everyone cheered. Liz and my father walked back down the isle and the bridesmaids walked down with their assigned groomsmen. Mine was Luke, of course. As we locked arms he turned to me, grinning, and said "that will be us one day." I just nodded in agreement. I knew in my mind that it probably wouldn't work.

The reception started and Luke pulled me out onto the dance floor for a slow song. No one saw us or even noticed us dancing together which was good. My dad and Liz had their first dance together and it was so cute. Luke and I just sat in awe watching our parents dance together. After that it was happy hour and all of the adults were getting their drinks. Luke and I were both not old enough to have drinks so he got one of his best friends, Ashton, to buy us drinks. Luke got so shit faced that I had to take him outside of the venue for a bit. We sat in his car until he cooled down a bit. Luke leaned over and started kissing me. He caressed my face and tried undressing me. I smacked his hand and said, "no Luke not right now." He frowned with a look of disappointment on his face. I said, "don't worry. Our parents are going on their honeymoon and we'll have the house all to ourselves tonight and for the rest of this week and next week." Smiling, Luke said, "oh yeah I forgot about that. Thank God. I know what we can do." I just looked and him and grinned. I'm was so glad I would have a whole week alone with Luke.

A limo pulled up outside of the venue and I saw my dad carrying Liz in his arms as they were leaving their reception. They got into the car and left for their honeymoon. They were going to Fiji because Liz has always wanted to visit the beautiful, tropical beaches.

Luke and I got into his car and started to drive home. God was I excited.


I finished this chapter earlier than I thought I would sooo expect chapter 5 on Friday!! :-) 💕

More Than A Stepbrother // Luke Hemmings Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora