Chapter 15

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We finally left the hospital. Luke decided he wanted to ride with me to get my stuff from Michael's house. I still was unsure of where I was going to stay.

"You know, you can come back and stay at Jack's, if you want."

"Why would I do that? We're not together, remember?"

"Yeah, I do remember. Because of you and Michael."

"Oh my God, Luke. Could you stop being so goddamn selfish and just trust me?!"

Luke was silent.

"We both know nothing happened with Michael, okay? So just get that idea out of your head."

"I can't, Taylor. Every time I saw you with him... I just got so jealous."

"I was dating YOU, Luke. Not Michael."

"I'm really sorry. I can do better. I can listen."

"I don't know if I can believe you."

"Pull over."


"I said fucking pull over!"

I slammed on the fucking brakes and pulled over.

"Are you fucking happy now?"

"Not until I do this..."

Luke looked me in the eyes and started kissing me. At first I pulled away, but then soon after I just let it happen.

"Luke, I can't fucking play your games anymore."

"What the fuck are you trying to say now?!"

"I'm trying to say that I don't think this is going to work. I don't think that this was ever going to work. I love you, in so many different ways, but you are my stepbrother. And I think that's all we should be now. Step-siblings."

"Taylor, what the fuck?"

He unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door.

"Well, Taylor. If you think that that is best. Then I understand. We shouldn't have ever started this. I love you."

We were both silent.

"I could still drop you off at Jack's house."

"Don't worry about it. I'll walk."

He slammed the door. I started crying. This was honestly just so terrible and I didn't understand my feelings anymore. I truly loved him, but it just wasn't right.

A few hours later I received a call from Luke. I was at Michael'a house getting my stuff.

"Taylor! Taylor! The hospital just called! Michael is finally awake!!!"

"He-he is?! Oh my gosh, I'm on my way right now!"

I ran outside from the house and jumped into my car. This was honestly the best news I could have received.

I reached the hospital and saw Luke in the parking lot, waiting for me. I jumped into his arms and we were both crying.

"I'm so sorry, Luke."

"Don't worry about it right now. We need to see Michael. He needs us."

Luke grabbed my hand and we intertwined our fingers. We walked into the hospital to the front desk.

"Hi, we need to know which room our friend Michael Clifford is in."

"He is on the third floor in room 343."

"Thank you so much."

We got onto the elevator. The whole ride was silent and we were just enjoying the presence of each other. We finally reached the third floor and found Michael's room. We opened the door to find Ashton and Calum already in there. I looked around the corner and saw Michael. He started smiling. I ran over to him and hugged him as tight as ever.

"Michael, I-I am so sorry. I don't know what to say... I just love you so much. We all do. Never forget that."

I grabbed his hand. He was still weak and barely functioning. He squeezed my hand back in response. A doctor walked into his room.

Ashton asked, "when will he be able to come home?"

"Probably in a week or so. We need to give him some time to come to fully. He may also need physical therapy."

Ashton looked confused. Calum said, "what do you mean he might need physical therapy?"

"It seems that this accident has caused some nerve damage and tissue damage. It may have impaired his ability to walk for a while, so we need to test him out for a little bit. If anything is out of the ordinary, we will go from there."

Luke got up and left the room. He looked really upset. I got up and followed him out.

He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, then started sobbing. I held him close and tight. Reassuring him that I still loved and cared about him.

I pulled back and he said, "I know that you don't think we can work, but I think we can. Fuck what everyone thinks."

I kissed him. And we started all over again.

More Than A Stepbrother // Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now