Chapter 7

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When I woke up this morning I had a text from Michael.

Do you wanna maybe go out for some coffee when you wake up? We need to catch up.

Sure Michael. I'd love that. I'll be ready in about fifteen minutes.

Okay. I'll be there to pick you up.

I walked into the bathroom to do my makeup and Luke asked, "what are you doing?"

"I'm just gonna go get some coffee with Michael."

"Why are you all buddy buddy with Michael now? I mean you were basically all over him yesterday."

"Luke, you know that Michael used to be my best friend. I haven't talked to him in a while. He's only a friend Luke. And you know Michael and you know me. We'd never do something like that to you."

"Okay. I'm sorry for getting mad I guess."

"It's okay, Luke."

Luke smiled and then went downstairs. After I finished my makeup, I went into my room and put on some ripped black skinny jeans, an Offspring shirt, and some black combat boots.

I then walked downstairs. "You look beautiful, Taylor."

I smiled, "thank you Luke."

I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see a very tired looking Michael. "You ready?" He asked.

"Yep. Bye Luke!"

Luke walked over and gave me a hug and gave Michael a stern look. Michael walked me to his car and opened the passenger door for me. When he got into the car he started playing "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance.

"I'm really glad we're doing this, Taylor."

"Me too. Hopefully we can become close again."

"I hope so. I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too Michael. It's felt empty without you to be completely honest."

"Yeah, I feel the same way. I've really only had Luke, Ash, and Cal. They don't like watching Pokémon with me though."

We both started laughing. I really have missed Michael. We finally made it to the Starbucks down the street and we both got out of the car.

We got in line to get our coffee. I got a hot white chocolate mocha with extra whip and chocolate drizzle. Michael just got a basic mocha. We sat down at a table.

"So, what's going on with you and Luke? I promise I won't tell anyone."

"God... So the first day I moved in with Luke, he confessed his feelings to me. He told me he had liked me since the seventh grade and I told him I felt the same way. We kissed that night. That was it. Then the next night he came into my room and pushed me down onto my bed and we just ended up having sex. And the night of our parents' wedding we had sex again. I honestly don't know what to do. I don't know what Liz and my dad would say if they found out."

"Oh my god Taylor. That would be quite weird since you guys are step siblings, but honestly you can't stop love. Luke loves you. I know he does. And hey, you guys liked each other before your parents liked each other. You can't help that."

"Thank you Michael. You're such a good friend. I honestly don't know why we stopped talking in the first place. I have truly missed you so much."

"No problem Taylor. Anything for you. And I've really missed you too. We need to just stay in touch and make sure that we don't stop talking ever again. It was awful not talking to you."

"It really was awful. Anyways, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

Michael and I exited the Starbucks and got into his car and started driving to me and Luke's house.

"Today was nice, Taylor. I really enjoyed having that little talk."

"It was nice and I enjoyed it too."

Michael then started blaring "Dancing With A Wolf" by All Time Low. We were silent for the rest of the car ride.

When we got to my house Michael said, "bye Taylor. We need to do this again."

"Bye Mikey. Yes we do."

I got out of his car and walked up to my house. I knocked on the door waiting for Luke to open it. When Luke opened the door, he pulled me into a very tight embrace.

"I'm glad you're back."

I smiled and went up to my room to put some comfy clothes on. Luke walked in.

"Taylor, have you taken a pregnancy test? Just wanna be safe."

"No I haven't, but that's a good idea."

"I'll go to the store right now to get one."

"Okay. Bye Luke."

"Bye Tay. I love you."

"I love you too."

Luke left my room. Fuck. I can't believe I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet. I hope I'm not pregnant. I guess we'll find out when Luke gets back.

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