Chapter 12

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Two weeks later. Luke and I were still on bad terms. The last few weeks have been nothing but arguing and bickering. Him worried about my friendship with Michael, and me trying to explain that Michael was only a good friend and he shouldn't be worried about it. I left Jack'a house the night that we fought about Michael and went to stay at Michael's house, which Luke obviously did not approve of. I didn't know where else to go, though. I could no longer stay with Luke after what was said that day.

Luke and I decided to meet up in the park near Jack's house to try to talk everything out. Before I left from Michael's house, he stopped me and said, "Taylor, no matter what happens, I'm here for you. Forever and always." I hugged him and left the house.

When I arrived at the park, I was so nervous to see Luke, since it would be the first time in weeks. As always, he was five minutes late. We found a bench to sit down at and to talk. "So, you've been staying with Michael all of this time?"

"Luke, it's honestly not a big deal. Michael is a good friend to both of us, and I would have thought that you would have accepted my friendship with him too. I never thought you would be jealous of Michael."

"Well, I am jealous. I don't know what to say. I just feel like you're constantly flirting with him and when we are around him, it's like you pay more attention to him than to me."

"Luke, you know it's not like that. I just never see Michael, so when I do see him, I try to spend as much time with him as possible."

"Since you like spending so much time with him, then go. I can't do this anymore."

Luke stood up and stormed off. I broke down into tears. I didn't know what to do. I ran to my car and opened a pack of cigarettes. Smoking was an activity that I typically only did when stressed out. I blasted the radio, rolled the windows down, and drove as fast as I could while going down back roads.

Soon I made it back to Michael's house. As soon as I walked in, he saw that I was crying and had mascara running down my face. He saw my pain. He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Taylor, what's wrong? What happened?"

I said nothing. We made eye contact and I kissed him. I know I shouldn't have done that, but it felt right, and maybe it was right. Maybe Luke was right. Michael had a look of shock and confusion on his face.

"Taylor, seriously, please explain what happened!"

I broke down crying again. "Luke dumped me."

"Oh, so that's the only reason you kissed me," he said in a slightly angry tone.

"Michael, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm really upset."

"Taylor, I-I'm in love with you. I have been for awhile now, but you've always loved Luke." Michael started to cry and ran upstairs before I could even get a word out. I was shocked. Surprised. I didn't understand why or how this was happening, but I had a feeling in that moment that a war would be breaking loose between Michael and Luke. And soon.

More Than A Stepbrother // Luke Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now