Chapter 13

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A few hours after Michael had went off, crying, he came into the kitchen, where I was.

"Michael, I really need to talk to you about this."

"There's nothing to talk about. It's stupid. You don't like me like that and I know it."

"Michael, I'm really sorry. You should've told me sooner."

"Right now, it doesn't matter how I feel."

"Maybe we could try something."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, maybe we could go on a date or something and see how it works."

"We can't do this to Luke. You love him and he loves you."

"Right now after what Luke did to me, I don't care."

I kissed Michael, but he pulled away.

"Taylor, I said we can't do this."

"You're right. It was stupid anyways."

After that, it was super awkward, so I left the house to get out for a bit. I decided to go to Luke and I'a favorite café downtown. As I got out of my car, I saw a girl walk into the café. I walked in and saw Luke. The girl I had watched walk into the café walked over to Luke, kissed him on the cheek, and sat down. What the hell just happened? Luke and I made eye contact. He stood up to say something, but I ran out. I couldn't deal with this.

Before I could open my car door, Luke already made his way out.

"Taylor, wait! I can explain!"

"I don't need an explanation. I've seen enough."

I got into my car and slammed the door. I drove back to Michael's. I walked in the house and I called out for Michael while crying, of course. I heard no response. I went upstairs to his room and the door was locked. I knocked on the door so many times, I lost count. Yelling for Michael while crying, I continued to try to get the door open. I kicked the door in and it finally opened. I walked into Michael laying in his bed, appearing to be asleep. At first, I tried to not think of the worst, but as I walked closer to him, I discovered an empty pill bottle with a note beside him.

I slapped him to see if he was unconscious and he was. I quickly scrambled to get my phone out of my pocket and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My friend, he tried to kill himself! He took a bottle of pills!"

"Ma'am, what is the address?"

"27 Ingot Road!"

"Help is on the way!"

I stayed with Michael, of course. I was bawling my eyes out. The ambulance and first aid arrived and put him onto a stretcher. He was quickly put in the ambulance and I went with them. Apparently, he had fallen into a medicine induced coma and was not dead. He could still potentially die, though. While in the ambulance, I called Luke, Calum, and Ashton to let them know what had happened and to meet me at the hospital.

* find out what happens to Michael in the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed! *

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