Chapter 6

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Harry walks in the front door finding Liz hunched over in tears.

"Lizzie, it's going to be alright, Sweetheart."

She wraps her arms around his neck as he kneels in front of her. "Thank you for coming, H."

"Love, you know you don't have to thank me, I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

"I hear the ambulance."

Harry takes her hand. "You and the baby will be fine, Lizzie."

She nods, believing him.

"Where's Ella?"

Liz squeezes his hand. "She's in Italy with Liam. I need you to call him for me. I can't...not like this..."

"I will, Lizzie. Let's just wait and see what they say is happening."

The ambulance arrives, and Harry stands off to the side while they evaluate her.

Liz insists that Harry ride in the ambulance with her. He holds her hand, trying his best to comfort her.

"Harry, can you please try calling Liam now?"

"Of course." Harry scrolls through his phone, finding Liam's number. He hesitates...instead choosing another number.

"Hello? Harry?"

Harry looks at Liz, winking. "Paddy, yes it's Harry."

Liz mouths thank you.

"Look, Paddy, I need you to talk to Liam. Lizzie is on her way to the hospital, she's having pains."


"I called you because I know Liam will be upset. It's better he hear it from you in person."

"You're right. I'll book a private plane as well. Tell Liz that I'll fly back with him. I'll take care of him, you take care of her."

"I will. I'll call back as soon as we know something."

"Harry, give Liz my love."

"I will. Bye."

Fresh tears fall from Liz's eyes.

"Don't cry, Lizzie, please. Paddy said he will fly back with Liam, he'll take care of him."

As they arrive at the hospital, Liz's doctor is there, waiting. She's rushed back into the emergency area. Harry is told he can't go with her, so he paces in the waiting room.

His phone rings, it's Paddy's number, but it isn't Paddy's voice that he hears when he answers.

"Where's Liz? Is she alright? I need to talk to her."

Harry takes a deep breath, literally feeling the hysteria in Liam's voice. "Liam, she's in with the doctor now, we just arrived at the hospital. I'm afraid I don't know anything yet."


"I know, Liam."

"I can't lose her, or our baby."

"You won't, Liam."

"Paddy is driving me to the plane right now. I'll be there as soon as I can. Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have left her."

"You couldn't have known this was going to happen."

"Harry, I need you to take care of her for me. Don't let anything happen to her...please."

"Liam, I promise. I'd give my life for hers in a heartbeat."

"Tell her how much I love her."'

Harry can hear the breaks in Liam's voice. "I will. Just get your ass here."

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