Chapter 16

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"I'm so glad you don't hate me, Sweetie."

Liz hands Caroline her tea then joins her at the kitchen table. "Of course I don't hate you, Caroline. I have to admit that I'm surprised you did that."

"I knew you'd be safe. Harry would never hurt you. He was just so adamant that he needed to see you. I honestly thought maybe it would help him to move on. Looking back now, I regret doing that to you."

"I understand. You were caught between two friends."

"Did it go alright?" Caroline asks.

Liz looks down for a moment, appearing to be memorizing the color of her tea. Finally looking up, "Sometimes I feel guilty that I can't give Harry what he needs from me."

Caroline reaches across the table, touching her friend's arm. "Liz, it's not your

fault. Sometimes people fall in love with someone they can't have."

Liz shakes her head. "I feel guilty about Harry, then in turn, I feel guilty for thinking that when I so desperately love Liam."

"Sweetie, I don't think all this back and forth is good for you or Harry. It's time to find a permanent way to move on. Everything he's tried so far hasn't worked."

"That sounds so simple, but it's really quite complicated."

The front door slams. "Liz!"

She looks up as Liam enters the kitchen, the look on his face concerning her.

"The story is out." Liam hands Liz the iPad.

"I'll go keep an eye on the kids for you." Caroline offers.

"Thanks, Caroline." Liam replies before sitting down next to Liz, waiting patiently as she reads.

She looks up, a hint of tears sparkling in her eyes. "I hope she desperately needed that money for something important."

Liam lays his hand on top of hers. "It's so ridiculously full of lies."

"She has one true statement, about us being friends with benefits. The rest is complete lies. I mean look at these so called pictures of me and Harry making out...that's you in both pictures."

Liam rolls his eyes as he points at the pictures. "See how they darkened the picture so much that if you didn't know better you honestly can't tell if that's me or Harry."

"Can we lighten the pictures and repost them?" LIz asks.

Liam takes her hand, gently pulling her to sit on his lap. "That's what we need to decide, Love. Do we ignore it, or post our own article in response."

"I don't want people believing that I cheated on you." Liz says quietly.

"Darling, no matter what we do, some people will still believe it. Honestly, it only matters what I believe."

Later that afternoon, Liz and Liam meet with the lawyer and publicist again.

"So your options are basically to ignore the article, or to publish your own article with the truth."

"How much detail do we have to give about the beginning of our relationship, if we were to do an article?" Liz asks.

"As much or as little as you choose. Let me ask you both a question. Do you regret how your relationship began; as friends with benefits?" The lawyer responds.

Liam replies, "No, we don't regret it."

"And we aren't ashamed of it." Liz adds.

"Then you should do your own article. I've already received offers from magazines on your behalf."

Liz is shocked. "Wait, they want to pay us?"

"Yes, it would be a big deal for the publication who posts your response article."

"Which one is the highest offer?" Liz asks.

"This one." The lawyer sets a paper in front of them.

The publication is not one Liz thinks highly of, but she has an idea. "We will do it with one condition. Rather than the payment for the article coming to us, it will be donated to a children's charity in the names of Ella and Olly Payne." Liz insists.

Liam looks at her with the biggest smile. "That's my girl." He says before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Something good has to come out of this mess." Liz says.

"That's an excellent idea, Liz. I'll contact the publication and get back to you with the details."

After walking the gentlemen to the door, Liam turns to Liz. "Do you have any idea how incredible you are?" He doesn't allow her a chance to answer as his mouth is on hers.

He pulls back, putting his long finger across his lips; letting Liz know to be quiet. He leads her to his office.

"What are we doing in here, Handsome?"

"Let me show you, Beautiful." Liam lifts her onto the desk. She opens her legs and he slides in between them.

Looking into her eyes, Liam says, "You are such an amazing person, in so many ways." He pauses to kiss her neck, then returns to her eyes and finds the glimmer there that always causes his breath to catch. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Love."

Liz smiles. "Good thing you'll never have to find out, you're stuck with me, Baby."

Liam quickly removes his clothes, pulling Liz closer to the edge of the desk, entering her in a way that causes her to gasp.

As he moves inside her, Liam whispers in her ear. "I love you, my beautiful Liz."

He feels so good she can only manage a breathy, "I love you more."

She bites his shoulder as he buries his mouth against her neck, both trying to muffle their screams of release.

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