Chapter 12

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Niall feels a hand on his shoulder, turning to find Liz. "Liz, are you alright?"

"Sort of. I need a favor, Niall."

"Sure, anything."

"Will you please go talk with Harry? I don't want him to be angry with Liam. Please help him understand."

He smiles. "Don't worry, Liz. I'll go now."

She wraps her arms around him in a big hug. "Thank you, Niall. You are the best."

Back at the house, after they've checked on the kids, Liz and Liam sit together on the sofa. "Thank you for making me tea, Handsome."

He kisses her forehead. "Of course, Beautiful. So what were you talking to Niall about?"

Liz blows out a breath. She's not sure how Liam will feel about this. "I asked him to go talk with Harry."

Liam frowns. "Liz, we could have talked to him tomorrow."

"I didn't want him to be angry with you all night. He needs to understand that you didn't push me into anything."

"Actually he doesn't. Our relationship is none of his business." Liam says flatly.

Liz looks at him, surprised. "Liam."

"I'm serious, Love. I've tried to be more understanding lately of his feelings for you. However, the way our relationship began, is none of his bloody business."

Liz looks down. "I just feel bad."

Liam takes her hand. "Babe, I love that you have such a big, kind heart, but you can't spend your life feeling guilty that you don't return his feelings."

She smiles. "You're right, Baby."

"Let's go to bed, Beautiful. We have a lot to talk about in the morning."

Niall knocks on Harry's door.

The door opens and Harry shakes his head. "Lizzie send you?"

Niall grins. "Yep."

Harry smiles. "Come on in."

"So apparently I missed out on all the excitement at the party." Niall says.

"That woman was crazy. Did you hear all about it?" Harry asks.

Niall nods. "Liz filled me in. She said you were quite mad at Liam."

Harry blows out a breath. "I can't believe him. You just don't do that to a girl like Lizzie. Did you know?"

"I suspected they had something going on before they let us all know. I'd catch a glance between them here or there." Niall says.

"Why didn't I ever see that?" Harry wonders.

Niall smiles. "I don't think you wanted to see it."

Harry shakes his head. "Should I lay down on the couch so you can analyze me, Dr. Horan?"

Niall cackles. "You can't afford me, mate."

"Niall, he shouldn't have treated her that way."

"Liz explained it all to me. Liam didn't coerce her into anything, it was a completely mutual decision."

"Why would she settle for that?" Harry asks.

"Liz said, looking back now she can see more clearly why they did it. They were two people who had feelings for each other, but had been hurt in the past. They used "friends with benefits" as an excuse to allow themselves to fall in love, without the fear of being hurt again. Those are Liz's words."

Harry remains silent.

"Do you see now that Liam did nothing wrong?" Niall asks.

"I do." Harry replies quietly. He moves across the room, looking out the large window.

Niall joins him. "Is that a golf course over there?" He points.

Harry laughs. "Yes."

"Sick." Niall grins. He looks over at his friend. "Look Harry, I'm not going to say that I understand how you feel for Liz, cause I don't. For your own sake though, I think you need to try to move past it."

Harry smirks. "You don't think I've tried."

"Have you tried going out with other women?"

"Yes, I have. The problem is they don't care for you calling them by another woman's name."

"Oh shit. You mean you picture Liz when you..."

"Yeah." Harry interrupts.

"You better not let Liam hear that." Niall frowns.

"You're not helping, Niall."

"Sorry, mate."

Liz reaches for her phone, slipping out of bed. She answers it in the hall as not to wake Liam. "Niall?"

"Hey, Liz. I'm just leaving Harry's."

"Does he understand? He's not angry with Liam?"

"No, he's not angry anymore. I explained it to him."

"Thank you, Niall."

"Liz, um...I um..."


"Good night, Liz."

Knowing full well that wasn't what he wanted to say, Liz wishes Niall a good night. She returns to bed, sliding in next to Liam. In his sleep he protectively wraps his arm around her.

"I love you, Handsome." She whispers.

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