Chapter 37

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As they lay in bed, Liz feels Liam's warm hand slide under her shirt. "Liam, we shouldn't, we have a houseful of guests."

He kisses her neck. "Then you'll just have to be quiet, Love."

Liz giggles as he tickles her. "I can't ever be quiet with you, Handsome."

Liam throws back the covers, pulling Liz's shirt over her head. "Come on, it's just like when we were first together. We had to be quiet because no one knew about us." He says before his mouth is on hers.

"Mmm. Yes, but I wasn't very good at it then either. That's how Caroline found out about us."

Liam laughs as he kisses his way down her stomach, pausing to remove her panties. "Do you want me to stop?"

Liz smirks as she runs her fingers through his hair. "Absolutely not."

She watches as he works his magic on her, causing her to arch her back in an attempt for him to never stop. Liz pulls his hair as the pleasure begins to billow through her body. She bites her lip hard, trying not to scream out his name.

Liam quickly enters her, then covers her mouth with his, allowing her scream to be muffled.

As he begins to move inside her, he whispers in her ear between quiet moans. "Oh, Liz, you feel so good." He grabs her hand, entwining their fingers before moving them to rest above her head. He squeezes hers tightly as he comes closer to going over the edge.

They are both so lost in the other that they don't even try to stifle their screams as they almost simultaneously release.

Liam collapses beside Liz, pulling her into his arms.

"That was amazing, but we weren't exactly quiet." Liz smirks.

Liam grins. "Who cares, Love. I mean we have two kids, everyone knows we have sex."

Liz laughs. "You have a point. I love you, Handsome."

"I love you more, Beautiful."

The next day, Liz and Liam greet all the guests arriving for Olly's 2nd birthday party. Liam's family arrived a few days ago. Niall arrived two days ago and has spent most of his time at the golf course. Louis, Danielle, and Freddie arrived yesterday.

Liz loves to watch Olly and Freddie play together. They look just like a mini Liam and Louis.

As Harry and Alice arrive, Olly and Ella run to greet their Uncle. Liz gives Alice a hug. "Thanks for coming. It's good to see you."

Alice returns the hug. "Harry has been so excited. He couldn't wait to see the kids."

Harry gives Ella a huge hug. "Hello, Pumpkin. Look at how fancy you look. Are you excited for your brother's birthday?"

Ella jumps up and down, loudly replying in her now perfect English accent. "Yes. We have cake." She moves in for another hug. "I've missed you, Unkey."

Harry smiles, kissing the top of her head. "I've missed you, Ella." He then picks up Olly, swinging him around. "Look how big you are, Olly. Are you off to Uni next week?"

Olly laughs. "No, Unkey. Come see my Batman cake."

Harry sets him down. "I'll be right over."

Liam offers to show Alice where she can get a drink, Ella follows. Leaving Liz and Harry alone.

"Lizzie, you look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you." Harry says as he leans in for a hug.

Liz smiles. "Thank you, Harry. You look handsome as always."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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