Chapter 21

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Liz finishes dressing, ready to head downstairs to join Liam and the kids, when her phone rings. "Good morning, Harry." She answers.

"Good morning, Lizzie. How are you?"

"I'm doing better. Yesterday was extremely hard."

Harry sighs. "Yes, it was." He pauses and smirks. "I have to admit it was interesting to see you get angry. I've never seen you like that before. I'll remember to stay on your good side."

Liz laughs. "It was horrible to witness, I'm sure."

"Actually, it was quite hot." Harry teases.

"Harry." Liz can't help but laugh.

"Seriously though, LIzzie, I have to go out of town for a bit. When I get back, I was hoping you and I could get together, privately." Harry says.

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Yes, Lizzie. We need to talk this out."

Liz hesitates.

"Do you trust me, Lizzie?" Harry asks.

"Yes, of course I do. Tell me when and where, I'll be there."

"Thank you, Love. Please give Ella and Olly a kiss for me."

"I will, H. Be safe."

Liz finds Liam and the kids playing outside. She wraps her arms around Liam's waist as he kisses her head.

"You alright, Darling?" Liam asks.

"I am. Harry just called."

"He texted me earlier, apologizing for his part in yesterday's mess."

He did?" Liz asks, surprised.

"I told him it wasn't his fault, it's Sara's."

"Liam, he wants to meet with me soon...alone." She can feel Liam's body tense. Letting go of his waist, she grabs his hand instead.

"Why?" He asks, stiffly.

"He wants us to talk. I think he's ready to move on." Liz replies

Making sure the kids are safe and occupied, Liam turns to Liz. "Look, Liz, I'm going to trust you to do what you think is right. It's time for this to end. I've been pretty patient with everything because of how he helped you and Olly...enough is enough though. You are my wife and if it comes to it, I will fight for you, Liz."

She squeezes his hand. "I understand and you are completely right. You have endured far more than a husband should have to." She lays her hand on his chest before continuing. "By the way, do you have any idea how hot that was?" She smirks.

Liam grins. "Really?"

"Mmm, I like assertive Liam."

He leans down for a kiss.

Ella laughs. "Look, Olly. Mummy and Daddy kissing again." Ella says with an adorable eye roll.

Liam and Liz laugh.

"Did Uncle Louis teach you that, Ella?" Liam asks.

Ella giggles.

While Liam and Olly are watching football, Ella and Liz are playing in her room.

"Mummy, when will Unkey come see me?"

Liz smiles. "Uncle Harry has been busy working. He told me he misses you and Olly very much."

"Mummy, I love Unkey."

Liz smiles. "He loves you very much, Ella."

"Does Daddy love Unkey?"

"Yes, he does. They are very good friends.

Ella grins. "Because they sing together?"

"Yes, Ella."

"Do you love Unkey, Mummy?"

"Yes, I do love your Uncle Harry."

Ella smiles. "He loves you as well, Mummy."

"How do you know that, Ella?"

"I see him look at you just like Daddy does."

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