Chapter 35

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"Thanks for coming over, Alice." Harry says,

She smiles. "Thanks for dinner."

There is an awkward silence, something the friends have never experienced before.

Alice tries to fill it. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

Harry blows out a breath. "Actually, I was hoping we could talk."

"Alright. Is everything okay?" Alice asks nervously.

"Yes. I mean...I think so...I hope so."


"I'm sorry, Alice. I don't mean to be so vague. I just thought there was something you should know."

A hopeful look crosses Alice's face. "You can tell me anything."

"I know I can, but this is a bit hard. I don't want to sacrifice our friendship."

Alice frowns. "Shit, Harry, you're scaring me. Just tell me."

He takes in a deep breath, releasing it slowly. He looks into Alice's eyes, needing to gauge her initial reaction to his words. "My...feelings for you have changed. I no longer think of you as just a friend, Alice."

Harry catches the sparkle that enters her eyes as the corners of her mouth turn up.

"Really?" She asks.

Harry smiles. "Yes, really. Is that alright?"

Alice lays her hand on top of Harry's. "Considering I feel the same way...yes, it's alright."

Harry grins and turns his hand over, entwining his fingers with hers. "So you want to give this whole dating thing a shot then?"

Alice smiles. "Yes, I do. We should probably take it slow."

"I agree-" Harry is interrupted by his phone ringing. "That's strange, it's Rosa. I better take it."

Alice nods.

"Hello?" Harry listens. "Shit! How's Lizzie doing?" Harry closes his eyes. "Can you hold on for one second, Rosa?" Harry looks at Alice. "Ella is in the hospital in Italy."

Alice can see the genuine concern on his face. "You should go."

"But we just-"

Alice squeezes his hand. "It's alright. I'll be here when you get back."

Returning to the phone call, he tells Rosa, "I'm going to get on a plane right now. Please tell Lizzie I'm on my way."

Harry hangs up. "You are amazing, Alice. Thank you."

Alice helps him grab a few things and he gives her a kiss on the cheek on his way out the door. As she watches him get in his car and drive away, all she can think about is how his first thought was of Liz. Alice frowns, wondering if she can really compete with his feelings for Lizzie.

Antonio picks Harry up at the airport, taking him immediately to the hospital.

The first thing Harry sees when he enters the room is sweet, tiny Ella laying in the too large hospital bed. She's sleeping and looking quite pale. He looks up, meeting Liz's worried eyes. Rushing straight to her, she allows him to envelop her in his arms.

"What happened?"

"Rosa and Antonio were watching the kids tonight, they called us to say Ella had a 104° fever. We brought her here immediately." Liz says.

"Was she alright earlier?"

"She had an ear infection but she was getting better. Harry, I shouldn't have left her."

"Lizzie, you are an incredible mum. You couldn't have known this was going to happen. Where's Liam?"

"He's in the waiting room with Olly. Everyone is taking turns; in case it's contagious." Liz tears up. "Harry, I can't...I can't-"

He pulls her close. "You won't, Love."

Rosa leaves the room to take her turn watching Olly. After a few moments, the doctor enters the room followed by Liam.

Harry releases his grip on Lizzie, stepping aside to allow Liam to take his place.

"Thanks for coming, Harry." Liam says.

"Of course." He replies, shocked by the look on his friend's face. He's obviously barely holding it together.

"Mr. and Mrs. Payne, we've put a rush on the tests we ran on Ella. Hopefully I'll have an answer for you soon." The doctor says.

"Can you give us an idea of what it could be?" Liam asks.

"It's hard to say. Fever can be caused by more serious things, such as an issue with the kidneys, or by something less serious such as a virus or allergy." The doctor leaves the room.

Liz can tell by the look on Liam's face what he's thinking. "Liam, stop."

"Liz, if it's her kidneys then that's my fault."

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