Chapter 11

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Liz looks at herself in the full length mirror. She's wearing the emerald green dress that Liam and Ella chose for her.

This is the first time they've gone out without the kids since Olly was born. Liz loves the color and style of the dress, however she doesn't love the few extra pounds she hasn't lost yet. It's certainly not from lack of trying. She just hadn't realized how much more work two children would be.

Liz feels the familiar strong hands on her waist.

"Mmm. You look fit as hell, Beautiful."

She turns to face Liam. "You really think so?"

"Of course, Love."

"You don't mind the few extra pounds?"

Liam looks confused. "What extra pounds? You look perfect, Liz."

She grins. "No, you are perfect, Handsome. You always say just the right thing."

He growls in her ear. "Maybe we should skip this party, Darling."

Liz puts her hands on his chest. "No way. I haven't been out of this house in ages."

Liam pouts.

She lays her hand alongside his face. "Don't worry, Baby, I'll make it up to you after the party." She smirks. "Or maybe even during the party." She adds with a wink.

"Damn, Babe." Liam says, pulling her in for a kiss.

Liz is enjoying herself at the party; it's good to be out with friends. She does find herself missing the kids though.

Liam and Liz spend some time catching up with Niall and Harry. Liz's heart warms as Harry talks so excitedly about filming the movie.

They all move on, visiting with other friends. At one point, Liam and Liz get separated.

Liz finds herself looking out the large windows into their host's beautiful back yard.


She turns, finding a woman she doesn't recognize. "I'm sorry, have we met?"

The woman smirks. "No, but I know a lot about you."

The hairs on the back of Liz's neck rise. "Excuse me?"

The woman laughs. "I wonder if you are the only woman who has ever slept with two members of One Direction."

Liz rolls her eyes. "Look, I don't know who you are, but you have no idea what you're talking about."

The woman moves closer to Liz. "Oh really? Well I know that you and Liam were friends with benefits."

Liz freezes.

"Oh yeah. Fairytale romance, my ass. You are Liam's whore."

Liz lifts her hand, with every intention of slapping the woman. All of a sudden there is a large, familiar hand on her wrist, bringing her arm gently down to her side.

"You alright, Lizzie?" Harry asks.

The woman laughs. "How sweet. It's your other lover."

"Who are you?" Harry asks.

She smirks. "I'm Liz's worst nightmare."

Harry moves to stand in front of Liz, protectively. "You need to leave."

Looking past Harry, at Liz, the woman says. "Liz, we need to come to a financial arrangement, or I'll tell the world that you are Liam's...and probably Harry's whore as well."

Liam sees the scene from across the room, rushing to Liz's side. "Are you alright, Liz?" He asks.

"Aww, how cute. You do know your so called wife is sleeping with your bandmate, right?"

Liz grabs Liam's arm.

The host comes at that moment, removing the woman from his home.

Both Liam and Harry turn to Liz at the same time. "Are you alright, Liz?" Liam asks.

"Don't listen to her, Lizzie. She's obviously making things up, just looking for money." Harry assures her.

"What did she say?" Liam asks.

Liz is too shaken up to speak.

Harry informs Liam. "She was spouting some crap about Liz being a whore, and having slept with me. Some nonsense about you and Lizzie being friends with benefits. It's ridiculous, she's just making things up. She told me she was Liz's worst nightmare and that they needed to come to a financial arrangement or she would tell the world. She's delusional."

Liam looks at Liz, they both look down.

"What?" Harry asks. "If she puts that crap out there, just sue her for libel."

Liam looks at Harry. "Mate, part of that is true."

"What?" Harry asks, confused.

"Liz and I did start off as friends with benefits." Liam says quietly.

Liz looks up, seeing the anger in Harry's eyes.

"You son of a bitch." Harry moves towards Liam, but Liz steps between them.

"Harry, please. It's not like that. Let me explain."

He shakes his head. "I need to go."

Liam puts his arm around Liz's waist as they watch Harry head out the front door. "It's alright, Love."

"No, Liam. I need Harry to understand. I don't want him upset with you."


Harry's Journal:

I'm not even sure I can write legibly. I'm so bloody angry with Liam, I'm shaking. Apparently he and Lizzie were friends with benefits. Damn him. How could he? Lizzie deserves so much better.

I've always thought that I needed to respect their relationship; keep my distance.

They were so in love, and Liam treated her so well.

Now things have changed. Maybe he's not worthy of her. Maybe...just maybe I shouldn't keep my distance any longer.

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