Chapter 14

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Liz hasn't had time to think much about the Sara situation. Right after receiving Caroline's text, she let Liam know what she was doing, then got ready.

The car Caroline sent for her pulls up to a hotel. The driver gives her a room number.

In the elevator, Liz can't help but feel that something is a bit off. Then it hits her that she didn't actually speak with Caroline. Is she being paranoid? Perhaps against her better judgement, she knocks on the door of the room number she was given. Relief washed over her as Caroline opens the door.

They hug and Caroline thanks her for coming. Liz finally relaxes.

"Liz, I have to go." Caroline says.

"What? You aren't staying?"

At the door, Caroline replies, "No. Liz please don't be upset with me."

Liz doesn't have time to reply before the door shuts.


Hearing the familiar deep voice, Liz turns to see Harry. Her mind starts to work in overdrive. "No." She says, heading for the door.

Harry quickly moves in front of her. "Please Lizzie, just give me a few minutes."

"Harry, it's not appropriate for us to be alone together in a hotel room."

He winks. "Don't trust yourself?"

Liz rolls her eyes, not wanting to admit that there may be some truth to that. "This isn't the time for jokes."

"You're right. Please stay, Lizzie. I just want to talk."

"Then why are you all dressed up and smell so amazing?" Liz asks.

Harry smirks. "You think I smell amazing?"

Liz pushes on his chest. "You are impossible."

He grins. "I'm sorry, Lizzie. I can't help myself, I love to tease you."

"I shouldn't be here, Harry. Especially with that stupid story coming out. It won't look good."

"Nobody saw me come in and nobody will see me leave. The room is in Caroline's name." Harry assures her.

"You've thought of everything."

"I think about bringing you to hotel rooms a lot." Harry smirks.

Exhausted, Liz sits on the sofa. "What do you want to talk about?"

Harry joins her on the sofa. "Lizzie, I need you to know that I've been trying to deal with these feelings I have. I wake up each morning trying to convince myself that I don't love you. By the end of each day, I find myself even more in love with you."

"Harry, I never quite know what to say. I understand the feelings you have for me, but..."

"Lizzie, it's not just about how I feel for you. It's about how I don't feel for anyone else, but you."

Liz gets up, walking across the room, knowing from all her years with Liam to steer clear of the window.

Harry moves behind her, putting his hand on the small of her back. Whispering in her ear, "It's hard to be this close to you, and not kiss you."

Liz can't pretend that she's not affected by his hot breath on her ear, paired with his close proximity. "H, please."

"Lizzie, I crave you so much, it causes a physical ache."

Shit. She turns, walking to the other side of the room.

Harry remains on the opposite side. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm still holding onto a little piece of hope that maybe you'll change your mind."

"H. I'm married."

Harry looks down. "I know."

The look on his face breaks her heart. "You're a place in my heart no one else could have."

Harry looks up, smiling. Lizzie has quoted their mutual favorite author. He moves across the room towards her. Sharing a F. Scott Fitzgerald line with her as well. "There's something between us; a sort of pull. Something you always do to me and I to you."

Liz blushes, looking down.

"Niall told me that I need to date other women." Harry says.

Liz doesn't meet his eyes. "Maybe you should."

Harry gently lifts her chin, until their eyes meet. "I've had feelings for other women; with every one of them though, if you had said you'd have me...I would have left them in a heartbeat. And I'm not sure that a woman exists that that doesn't apply to. That's just not fair to them."

Liz sighs. "Harry, how on earth do I respond to that?"

"You don't have to. If nothing else, I hope you know I love you with every part of me. I need you to know how important you are to me, Lizzie. I treasure you beyond measure, and that will never change."

Liz gently touches the side of his face. "I hate that you aren't happy every moment of every day."

Harry leans into her hand, turning his face to kiss her palm.

"I should go." Liz says.

"I want to kiss you so badly, Lizzie. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stop though."

Liz grabs her things and heads for the door. Harry beats her there, leaning against it.

"Lizzie, if you and I could be together and Liam would never know...would you do it?"

She looks up into his eyes. "But I'd know and you would know, and neither of us could live with the guilt."

Shortly after arriving in France, Harry's phone rings. "Hi, Sara."

"Harry, I was really hoping we could get together. I need to talk. Are you in France?"

"I just arrived. Where do you want to meet?"

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