Chapter 19

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Liz waits patiently as Liam finishes reading. "So...what do you think?" She asks.

"I think the article gives our side of the story quite well." Liam replies.

"I agree, the reporter didn't twist our words like I was afraid he would."

"As far as I'm concerned, this mess is over." Liam says.

Liz takes his hand. "I agree, Handsome. I am going to get dressed and head over to Sara's now."

Liam pulls her close. "The kids and I will be here waiting for you."

She smiles. "I love you."

"I love you more, Beautiful."

Liz pulls into a parking spot outside of Sara's flat. She takes a deep breath before getting out of the car.

After another deep breath at Sara's door, Liz knocks.

As the door opens, Liz feels her knees buckle and a slew of emotions flood her. "Harry?" She can feel her eyes filling with tears. His hair is disheveled and he's wearing shorts that he clearly just threw on, nothing else. Liz looks past him, Sara is standing there looking smug, wearing only Harry's t-shirt.

Liz feels as though a knife has been shoved deeply in her back, so far that it reached her heart. One last look into Harry's eyes, eyes full of confusion and regret, then she turns to leave.

"Lizzie!" He yells.

Sara grabs his arm. "I'll go." In the hall, she follows Liz, yelling for her to stop.

Liz turns back to face her. Harry stands near the door watching them.

"How could you, Sara?" Liz asks.

Sara answers with a venomous tone. "What? He's single, I'm single."

Liz doesn't recognize the frigid, hostile woman standing in front of her. "That's bullshit, Sara and you know why."

Harry moves a foot closer, afraid of how this may escalate.

"You just want to string him along and not let him be happy." Sara raises her voice.

"That's so not true and you know it. There's a freaking girl code, Sara. You don't say anything to me about this? You just ignore my calls?"

Harry begins to to feel as though Sara hasn't been completely honest with him.

Sara rolls her eyes. "Oh poor Lizzie. Are you mad that I gave him what you couldn't?"

Harry looks down, suddenly feeling quite used. His head shoots up as he hears Lizzie's voice raise in anger. Something he's never heard before.

"Fuck you, Sara!" Liz yells before moving in closer to Sara's face. "Has he called you by my name in bed yet?"

Sara looks down, clearly giving Liz her answer.

"That's what I thought." Liz looks up, trying to hold off more tears. "I don't know who this smug bitch standing in front of me is...she's certainly not my best friend." Liz starts to turn her back to leave but Sara begins again.

"It's not about girl code, "Perfect Lizzie". You're just mad that Harry could want me instead of you."

A kind of hurt and betrayal that Liz has never experienced before rises up inside of her. She looks into Sara's face. A face that used to look back at her with compassion and love. The face looking back at her now is full of jealousy and bitterness.

"Really, Sara? You're so damn cocky. How does it feel to know I could steal him away from you like that?" Liz snaps her fingers. She looks behind Sara, finding Harry standing there. The look on his face breaks her heart and she immediately regrets her harsh words.

"I'm sorry, H." She says before turning to leave.

Harry runs after her. At her car, he grabs the door.

"Harry please, I need to go." Liz says with tears streaming down her face.

He wipes them away gently. "Lizzie, I never meant to hurt you."

"I believe you didn't, H. Sara knew damn well what she was doing though."

"Let me drive you, Lizzie. You're too upset." Harry insists.

"I'm fine, Harry. I promise."

Harry stands there, watching Lizzie drive away. He runs his hand through his hair. "Shit."

When he turns around, Sara is there. "She's right, isn't she?" She asks.

"About what?"

"That she could steal you away from me if she wanted to."

"That's a bit of a moot point now...isn't it?" Harry replies coldly before walking past her to retrieve his things from her flat.

At the door, he pauses, turning back to look at Sara.

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