Chapter 8

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Harry's jaw drops as he looks at Lizzie, feeling a tight squeeze on his heart. His gaze moves to his bandmate. "Really?"

Liam smiles. Standing, he extends his hand to Harry. "Yes, you were an important part of Olly's birth. You were there for Liz and I when we needed you."

Harry shakes Liam's hand. "Thank you, Liam."

Liam pats Harry on the back. "We don't need to talk about any of that today, Mate."

Paddy opens the door. "Can I come in?"

"Of course, Paddy. Come meet Olly." Liz says.

She hands the baby to him. "Paddy, meet Olly Edward Payne."

Paddy looks up at Harry and smiles, then turns to Liz and Liam. "He's beautiful. Job well done, you two."

They laugh.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Liam your family called, they'll be here in a few minutes."

"I'll go meet them downstairs. I'm sure Ella is excited to meet her little brother." He kisses Liz. "I'll be right back, Love."

Paddy hands the baby to Harry. "I'll come with you."

Harry sits in the chair, beside Liz's bed. He stares at little Olly in his arms, unable to get over this awestruck feeling.

Looking at Liz, he sweetly tells her. "Thank you for giving him my middle name, Lizzie. It means so much to me."

"Actually, it was Liam's idea. I just agreed to it."

Harry is genuinely surprised. "No way."

Liz laughs. "I swear. I was almost as surprised as you are. Then I remembered what a big heart my Liam has." She smiles, overwhelmed with love.

Harry tries to ignore the stab in his heart. She said my Liam...what I wouldn't give for her to say my Harry.

Just then the door opens, filling the room with family. Liam sets Ella down. She quickly toddles over to Harry. "Unkey. My baby?"

He smiles. "Yes, Pumpkin. Meet your little brother."

He beams as Ella gently kisses the baby on the forehead. Quietly saying. "Hi, Baby. Love you."

Harry turns to Lizzie. Happy tears are escaping her eyes. He stands, laying Olly in her arms. He then lifts Ella to sit beside her mum on the bed. "I'm going to take a walk."

Liz touches his hand. "You'll come back, right?"

He smiles. "Yes, I just need some fresh air."

Liz and Liam hold hands, watching proudly as Ella introduces everyone to her little brother Olly. Luckily it's an easy name for her to say.

Uncle Niall shows up with a mini football for Olly, and a bouquet of balloons for Liz. "I'm so sorry I missed your call. I feel terrible."

Liam slaps him on the back. "It's alright, Niall. We know you don't do well with women in labor."

Niall rolls his eyes, then laughs at their inside joke.

After a long visit, everyone heads out. Liam's parents are taking Ella home for an overdue nap. Liam walks them out.

While he's gone, Sara arrives. She rushes to Liz. "I'm so sorry, Liz. I never should have left."

"Sara, you couldn't have known this was going to happen. Besides, I didn't want you to lose your job."

"I still feel horrible. Are you ok? The baby ok?"

"I'm fine. The baby is fine, he's sleeping right there."

Sara turns to see the baby sleeping in the small bassinet. "Did you say he?"

"Yes, Olly Edward Payne."

"He's beautiful, Liz." Sara pauses. "Wait, isn't that Harry's middle name?"

Liz smiles. "Yes, it is."

"Um, isn't Liam upset about that?"

"It was his idea, Sara."


Liz yawns.

"I'm going to let you get some rest, Liz. I'll come back tomorrow. Please let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks, Sara."

Liz is asleep before her friend reaches the door.

As soon as Sara steps in the hall, she sees Liam. "I'm so sorry, Liam."

Liam feels his body tense. "I'm not sure sorry is going to be enough for me right now, Sara."

"I couldn't have known this was going to happen, Liam."

"Obviously neither could I. You could have stayed with her though."

"I was going to lose my job."

"Well if your bloody job is more important than your friend, the least you could have done is call me. I could have came home."

" said she'd be fine."

"Damn it, Sara, she could have died."

Sara looks up shocked. "It was that bad?"

"Yes! The doctor told me if she hadn't gotten to the hospital when she did..." Liam gets choked up. "So you'll understand if I can't accept your apology right now." He heads into Liz's room, leaving Sara in the hall.

The severity of the situation hits Sara. She begins to cry.

Harry walks up behind her. "Sara? What's wrong?"

"I abandoned my friend." She sobs.

Harry gently pulls Sara into his arms. Rubbing her back while she cries on his shoulder. 

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