Chapter 33

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Liam keeps the kids occupied while Liz is on the phone.

"I'm so sorry, Sara. Honestly though it's better to know now then to keep wishing for something that won't happen. I know you will find the perfect man for you. Just take some time now to work on yourself. I'm here if you need anything."

After hanging up the phone, Liz joins Liam on the sofa.

"So Harry broke things off with her?" Liam asks.

"I don't think there was anything left to break off, but he did let her know he just wants to be friends."

"I'm sure Harry feels bad, but he did the right thing." Liam says.

Liz blows out a breath. "Would you be okay with me calling him? To see if he's alright?"

Liam gives Liz a kiss on her cheek. "Yes, Beautiful, I'm fine with you calling Harry. I'll take the kids out for a walk."

Liz grins. "Do you have any idea how amazing you are, Handsome?"

He smirks. "Feel free to show your gratitude to me later."

Liz laughs. "Oh, I'm planning on it, big guy."

Both kids give her a kiss before heading outside.

Liz scrolls through her contacts, finding Harry's name and pushing the FaceTime button. She smiles as his face pops up on the screen.

"Hey, Lizzie. You look beautiful."

Liz blushes. "Thank you, Harry. I spoke to Sara and I wanted to call you to see how you were."

Harry frowns. "I'm alright. Do you think I'm a complete ass?"

"No, H. You did the right thing. I know it's not easy, but she needed to know the truth."

"I felt terrible after, but I stopped by Alice's. She made me feel better."

Liz smirks. "Oh, really?"

Harry laughs. "Stop it, Lizzie. We are friends."

"Well that doesn't mean you can't have sex. I should know." Liz laughs. As she watches Harry's big smile and dimples appear, all she can think is, Thank goodness things feel normal between us.

Well, that hasn't happened with us...yet." Harry teases.

Suddenly it's very clear to Liz. Alice, Harry's friend. Could she be the one?

"Does that mean that you feel more than friendship for her?" Liz asks cautiously.

"Things have been a bit confusing for me lately, Lizzie. But, I am having some feelings and some thoughts that I haven't before."

"You should tell her, Harry."

He rolls his eyes. "What will I tell her? 'Hey, I'm still trying to get over my best mate's wife, but if you like hot messes then I'm the guy for you.' Sounds great, doesn't it?"

Liz laughs.

"Besides," Harry continues, "what if she doesn't feel the same?"

"What if she's the one, H? Then it's all worth it." Liz looks up as she hears the door opening. "Ella, look, it's Uncle Harry."

Ella's face lights up. "Unkey!" She runs and jumps into Liz's lap, taking the phone from her. "Hi, Unkey. I love you." Ella says.

Liz smiles as she watches the conversation. Liam and Olly sit beside her on the sofa.

"Hi, Ella. I love you. You look so pretty today. Are you having fun in Italy?"

Liam puts Olly on Ella's lap so he can join the conversation.

"Olly! Hi, mate. You are getting so big."

"Dadda." Olly says.

Liz and Ella are the only ones who laugh. Liz looks from Liam to Harry on the screen. "Oh, stop it you two. That's his only word." She tickles Olly. "You're just showing off for Uncle, aren't you?"

Olly blows a bubble as he giggles.

"Olly, where's Dadda?" Liz asks.

Olly looks at Liam with a big smile, putting out his arms to him. "Dadda."

Liam lifts him into a big hug. "I love you, son."

"We'll let you go for now, Harry, but think about what I said."

"I will, Lizzie. Bye, Ella. Bye, Olly."

Liam leans over into view. "Bye, mate. See you soon."

"Bye, Liam."

Liam takes the kids into the kitchen for their snack.

"It was so good to see you, Lizzie. I've missed you. Is it alright for me to say that?" Harry asks.

Liz smiles. "Yes, Harry. I've missed you too."

"Bye, Lizzie."

Liz pauses, recognizing the pain on Harry's face. "Are you sure you're alright, H?"

He smiles. "Yes, Love, I promise."

"Bye, Harry." She presses the end button, knowing he won't be the one to do it.

Liz joins her family in the kitchen. Liam rushes over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I talked to Rosa; she's agreed to stay with the kids tonight so we can spend the night at the cottage."

Liz grins. "Mmm, that sounds perfect, Handsome. Remember our last time there?"

He smirks. "Yes I do, Babe. Think we can top it?"

Liz laughs. "You and me, Baby? Hell yeah."

Liam grabs her ass, pulling her closer. "You better rest, Love, cause you're gonna be up all night." He sings that last part.

Liz smirks as she rubs the front of his jeans. "You're the one who'll be UP all night, Handsome."

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