Chapter 13

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Liz and Liam sit at their dining room table with Liam's lawyer and publicist.

"So what you are saying is if we pay her it won't end there, she'll want more money?" Liz asks.

"Yes, that's what normally happens."

Liz thinks for a moment. "Let me ask you both a question. If this was your family, what would you do?"

The two men look at each other and nod. "Liz, if it were us, we would not pay her. If as you said, only a small fraction of it is true, then let her tell whoever she wants. She'll most likely find a sleazy tabloid who will pay her for her story. You and Liam can tell your side of the story in a more respectable publication if you choose to."

Liam and Liz look at each other. "That's what we'll do then." Liam says.

"Alright, we will be in touch when she sells the story, to figure out our next move. In the meantime you may want to try to find out where she got the true information from. To try to stop future leaks."

As Liam walks the men to the door, Liz grabs a pad of paper and pen.

"What are you doing, Love?" Liam asks as he returns to his seat beside her.

"I'm trying to figure out who could have said anything about how our relationship started." Liz replies.

"Caroline knew." Liam says.

"Yes, but she'd never say anything."

"True. I think Louis has always suspected, but he'd never say anything either." Liam says.

"No one in your family knew. No one else in the tour crew knew."

"There's no one else."

"Shit." Liz mumbles.

"What is it, Babe?"

"Sara knows."

Liam rolls his eyes. Sara is still not his favorite person.

"I can't believe she'd tell anyone." Liz says.

"Honestly, Love, it wouldn't surprise me."

"Crap." Liz blows out a breath as she reaches for her phone.

"Why don't you ask her to come over and talk with you? I'll go pick up the kids from my parents."

Liz nods. "I love you, Liam."

He smiles, kissing her. "I love you more, Liz."

"Would you like some tea, Sara?"

"Wow, Liz, you are turning into a Brit. Sure, I'll have some."

Liz notices that Sara seems a bit nervous as she joins her at the kitchen table. She couldn't have heard about this whole mess yet. So why is she so nervous?

They share some small talk, then Sara asks. "Why did you need to talk to me? What's going on?"

Liz can't fight the feeling that Sara is nervous about something. "Well, first off you hardly ever answer my calls anymore."

"I've just been so busy with work."

"So you've been working in France?"


Liz notices that Sara is wringing her hands. She's definitely nervous about something.

"Sara, there was an incident at a party last night."


Liz explains the entire story to her. For some reason she frowns when Liz tells her about Harry stepping in to help her.

When Liz has finished the story, Sara almost looks relieved.

"You seem relieved, Sara. Is there something else you thought I'd want to talk to you about?" Liz asks.

Sara fumbles. ", no I'm just happy that you are ok."

"Did you ever tell anyone about Liam and I being friends with benefits?"

"No, Liz. I wouldn't do that." Sara insists.

"Are you sure? Maybe someone overheard something you said?"

"No, Liz. I would never...crap."

"Sara?" Liz can feel her body tensing.

"I just remembered. I was at a friend's party awhile back, and I got really drunk. The next day she told me that I was being quite chatty. Apparently some girl filmed it."

"What did you say?"

"I don't know. I never watched it."

"Find it." Liz says firmly.

"Hold on, she emailed it to me."

Liz waits not so patiently for Sara to find it. When she does, she hands her phone to Liz.

Tears form in Liz's eyes as she watches her friend on the screen. Sara is telling a room full of people about how Liz and Liam were friends with benefits and how they have sex all the time, everywhere. Then she goes on to tell them all that Harry is in love with Liz. She stops the video, not wanting to see anymore.

"Liz, I'm so sorry." Sara pleads.

"Sara, I'm going to need some time to process this. You should probably go now." Liz says, the tears still threatening to spill over.

Sara stands to leave. "I am sorry, Liz. You're my dear friend. I'd never want to hurt you."

Liz listens to the front door shut. Her phone goes off; it's a text from Caroline.

"Liz. I'm hoping you can take over a VIP client of mine. They'd like to meet you and see some of your work. I'll send a car for you. How soon can you come?"

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