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Justin's POV

"shit shit shit" i curse getting nervous every minute hearing Selena scream in pain as she sits beside me breathing heavily. god in the middle of marrage kinda embarressing but still not.

"HURRY UP!" She yells making me jump the poor driver going faster and faster til he finally stops infront of the hospital. We quickly get out putting Selena in a wheel chair and geting inside.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP THIS WOMAN IS ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH" I shout seeing few nurses and docters heading towards Selena taking her away but i run after them to a room where she was put in a bed her leg spread open.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH" she screams as i walk towards her grabbing her hand feeling her squeez it hard.. god damn shes strong.

"fuck" i groan seeing Selena in pain wasnt really the best show ever i really wanted to help her but i just dont know how.

"just breath baby its gonna be fine" i say stroaking her wet sweaty hair seeing her cry in pain.

"this hurts so much Justin" she says god i feel so helpless i wanna help my baby but i cant i just cant.

"shh baby you can do this" i say kissing her forhead seeing her cry still wearing her wedding dress. Finally the doctor came in putting gloves on.

"alright Selena i think your ready to push" she says sitting right infront of Selena's vagina ready to pull out or baby.

"Justin" she says making me half smile as i peck her lips and hold her.

"alright 1.......2..... aaaaand PUSH" the doc said and immidiatly Selena started pushing screaming in pain sweating and squeezing my hand tightly.

"come on baby you can do this" i suport her seeing tears stream down her cheek as she screams again than falls back out of breath.

"i cant do this" she says crying looking into my eyes and i could just see how much of a pain shes in.

"yes you can Selena you can do anything" i tell her kissing her lips feeling her half smile through it.

"and PUSH" the doc said Selena sitting up screaming while pushing hard and squeezing my hand which was soon probably gonna break into million pieces.

"FUUUUUUUCKK" She screams and falls back down soaking wet and breathing heavily damn this looks painful.

"2 more" the doc said as i smile at my girl stroaking her hair and kissing her forhead seeing her smile.

"PUSH BABY PUSH" i shout hearing her scream once again pushing as hard as she could......

"one more" i whisper seeing her smile and starts pushing one more time this time with everything she got left than falls down and a little baby starts crying.

"you did it baby" i smile kissing her lips seeing her smile as i wrap my arm around her and hug her tightly.

"congrats you two you now have a little girl" The doc said handing Selena our little babygirl wrapped up in a towel making me smile lookig down at the beautiful face seeing Selena smile too as she tears up at the sight.

"oh god shes so beautiful" she says as i kiss her head.

"just like her momma" i smiled seeing Selena look up at me with a smile on her lips and pink cheeks than looks back at our little baby in her arms.

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