Hot 'N Cold

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We all sat at the kitchen table, Peter and I on one side while Gwen and Bren sat on the other. My father sat at one end of the table while Mrs. Marks sat at the other. My father’s BlackBerry sat in the middle of the table.

“So what’s going on?” Gwen asked.

“First things first,” a deep masculine voice came from the phone and drawing all of our attentions. “Gwen, sweetheart, are you ok? Do you need me to come home?”

“Gwen blushed like I’d never seen her blush before. To me it looked like she wasn’t used to holding her father’s full attention.

“No Daddy. I’m ok. There’s no need for you to come home.”

“If you’re sure, I’ll be home next week like I’m supposed to.”

“That’s fine, Daddy. There’s no rush.”


It was very interesting that Mr. Marks was asking for his children’s opinion. I always thought adults did what they wanted without input from the much younger generation. Apparently that’s not how it was done in their household. Everyone had a say.

“Take your time, Dad. I know what you’re doing is important, despite what some people may think.”

That zinger was for his mom. To everyone else it was a harmless compliment.

“Thank you Peter. The next item on the list is if Gwen should be allowed to move back home. I know you’re behavior since the incident has been perfect. Gwen, I think it would be fine for you to move back home.”

Personally I didn’t understand why I needed to be here. This was all turning out to be Marks family business. I glanced at my father for a second. I thought maybe he would be as not interested as I was but it turned out he was paying complete attention to what was going on.

Mrs. Marks was protesting. “…really think she’s learned her lesson?”

“Krista, I think our daughter deserves a second chance. Don’t you?”

Mrs. Marks eyed her daughter, not in a suspicious or scary way, more like she was weighing her options about something. I could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

“Don’t you think we should address Cassandra’s living arrangements before we decide?” There it was. “There’s no reason for Gwen to be up rooted if Cassandra will be moving…out.”

Oh the implications in that statement were obvious. I sat stick straight in my chair, not wanting to give her the satisfaction that she was slowly making her way under my skin.

“Ah yes, Fitz, what do you think?”

This was ridiculous. I really didn’t want to sit here and have them discuss where they wanted me to be. If I had it my way, if anyone would even bother to ask me, I’d rather be in Ireland. But since no one even presented me with that option, I had to choose between here and New York City.

I looked at Peter then, the one person in the room that could even remotely come close to making me stay. Before he could look at me I looked back down at my hands. The way I felt about him had already flipped my world around. But I still didn’t know if it was enough to keep me here after I graduated, after I became my own person.

“I’ve asked her to move to New York City with me. However, she’s asked to stay here instead. She’s made friends, settled down. And I need to take into consideration that her life has been uprooted enough lately.”

“That’s a good point. Gwen, what do you think?”

“I’d be more than happy to move back home if it means keeping Cass around. She’s grown on me.”

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