There's Bad News And Then There's Really Bad News

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“How old is this house?”

We three were standing out in the driveway, staring at the house ahead.

“Um…I think it was built in the 1800’s. Then I remodeled it…I don’t know what it looks like inside.”

I looked at my father. “Is it haunted?”

“I don’t know. I never heard any bumps in the night if that makes you feel any better.”

I snorted and looked back at the house, bumping my father’s arm with my shoulder. I’d passed my driving test with flying colors and I was now able to drive a car legally.

Now we were staring at a very beautiful house, with a wrap around porch and black faux shutters. In Ireland they were always real but for some reason American’s liked them for decoration and bolted them to the siding.

Blew my mind.

A car pulled up behind us and everyone turned to look but me. I continued to stare at the house and it felt like something or someone was staring at me.

“Good afternoon Mr. Kennedy,” a perky female voice said from behind me.

I looked away from the house and looked at her. She was a bottle blonde in a bright pink dress suit. She was carrying a black portfolio and her Botox induced smile was as fake as her chin.

“Good god. Did someone piece her together or what?”

Peter busted out laughing and buried his face in my hair. Neither my father nor the fake realtor heard my comment.

“Mrs. Potter, it’s good to see you again.”

They shook hands while Peter and I continued to giggle like school girls.

“This is my daughter, Cassandra.”

She turned the fake smile on me and I held out a hand.


“Why hello, dear.” She shook my hand. “How are you?”

“Been better, been worse.”

“I’m glad you’re the positive type.” She turned her sights on Peter. “And who’s this fine young man?”

“Peter Marks.” He didn’t hold out his hand. “I’m a friend of the family.”

“Marks….” She mulled over the name until the light bulb clicked back on. “You wouldn’t happen to be Chase’s son, would you?”

“One and only.”

She looked like an addict who just laid eyes on their substance of choice.

“Interesting. So shall we see the house?”

“Lead the way,” my father said, stepping up next to her.

I could tell he didn’t trust her very much. The only reason he was dealing with her was because the current home owners listed the house with her.

It was fun reading my father’s current state. It gave me all sorts of information. I never thought reading someone would be so easy but my father was a synch. Maybe it was because we were related. Even Gwen was a little hard to read the one time.

“So the house was built in 1802. It has a total of two stories plus attic and cellar. It was remodeled…”

I tuned her out after that. She led the way up to the front door where a key box was locked onto the door handle. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked, for the twentieth time, to see if Steven had called.

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