Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Another war..." Toriel choked out, and slumped down next to Asgore, fiddling with her hands. Her eyes weren't gentle or soft anymore. Instead, they hardened in fear and sparkled with shock.

"How do you expect us to believe that?!" Undyne growled and approached the flower, who shrunk away in annoyance. 

"How can you not believe it?" He spat and ruffled his petals. "(y/n) almost died! May I add, she almost got killed by other humans." 

"Look. The last time I saw you, you were wanting to kill all of us. For all we know, you could be wanting to banish us away again!" Undyne snapped and flipped her vibrant, red hair.

"Go check with Alphys. She's the one that found this out." Flowey turned to the door, gaining a glare from the fish as she stalked out of the room. Shaking his head, the flower then turned to Toriel and Asgore, inspecting their nervous figures. With a sigh, he turned to Frisk and whispered to her, causing her to make her way towards the two goats. 

Something clicked within you, allowing the dull atmosphere around you to break. You needed to call your dad. Yeah, he may not reply...he hasn't ever since he sent you to Sans' place, but if a war is really going to happen because of you, there's no doubt that they may hunt him down. Instinctively, you reached down to grab your phone, which caused pain to stab at shoulder. 

"Shoot." You winced and grabbed a hold of your injury. Idiot. You literally just got shot, what the heck are you doing?

"(y/n)?" Sans turned to you and looked down at your clenched hand. "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing." You muttered and pulled yourself away from him. Lifting your hand away from your wound, you saw that it was covered in a light layer of blood. The bandage isn't stopping the blood and it's getting loose. Fuckkkkkkk.

"That is the biggest lie I've ever heard." Flowey murmured and then chuckled. "She got shot with a bullet."

"What?!" Sans gripped your right hand and dragged you towards him. Before you realized it, he had ripped off the entire right sleeve. This revealed the reddening bandage on your shoulder, causing the injury to burn.

With a quick glance around the room, he snatched a lone gauze roll and sat you down on the infirmary bed. With careful fingers, he began to unravel the bandage as mumbled angrily to himself. You couldn't make out any of the words that tumbled out of his mouth as you felt heat began to scorch your cheeks. 


"Kid. It'll be okay." 

You sighed and lifted your head to look at the rest of the group. They all looked a little shocked, except Flowey who had wide grin plastered on his face.

"I've never seen him move so fast!" He scoffed and looked up at Frisk. "Am I right?"

"Heh. Guess so." She mumbled, allowing you to see a glimmer of guilt in her eyes. Flowey seemed to have caught on and flicked his head away towards you again.

"Right." The flower grumbled. You felt a tightening on your shoulder, which you found the bandage tied and finished. Blinking in surprise, you turned to Sans who was now looking down at your torn sleeve.

"Heh. Sorry 'bout that, kiddo." Sans scratched his head nervously, allowing blue blush to fluff up within his cheeks. You just sat there, feeding off of his static nerves. He was cute, and you couldn't pry your eyes away from him. He kinda just held the cloth carefully, as he ranted off about how he was going to fix it and what weren't really listening. The sound of incoming steps ruined your thoughts as Alphys walked in through the door. Everyone whipped their heads towards her.

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