Chapter 3

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Mimi POV

The few weeks with Monsta X have been very bad. We've been pranking each other and dissing each other. I don't know why but we hated each other very much eventhough we don't know each other yet.


Last week Monsta X didn't attend class but we just saw them in the morning. Hmmm must be cutting class. When we were about to come out of class sadly Yooa was the first one to get out and got water spilled all over her. Her face when she got wet was so scary.

"SHIN HOSEOK" she screamed

"That's payback for putting hot sauce in my sandwich" Wonho said who is behind her then left.

Good thing Yooa was prepared and brought extra clothes.

Next thing was at gym time. Arin was done washing up when she saw a cockroach in her gym bag.

"AHHHHHHHHH" Arin screamed and tossed her bag


We tried to end the war but things just got worse.

"Could you guys just leave us alone were tired of all the pranks" Hyojung unnie shouted

"Well you guys played along" Shownu protested

"Hey gorilla we just did that to protect ourselves" I said pointing to Jooheon

"Well miss smarty pants we are also protecting ourselves same as you" Hyungwon said

Then everyone started calling everyone fatty, b*tches and f*cking a**holes.

"WILL EVERYONE JUST PLEASE STOP" Arin finally shouted and cried. Then she ran away.

End of Flashback

The teachers also noticed the war between us and tried to make us reconcile by putting us in group projects together but it didn't work. So now it seems that the fight will never end.

We hated each other's guts and attitude. The school has been seeing us differently from before. Not the pretty perfect angels but a lot more tougher girls. We didn't mind that and we were still popular at school as queenkas.

Today was just like any other day. One of us was going to get pranked. They still had hearts and normally would only attack one of us each day but if we did a very bad payback they will attack all of us at the same time.

We went to our lockers to get some books. When we all opened our lockers we all had extra clothes just in case. Suddenly Seunghee screamed. We went to see what was the chaos.

I regretted being curious of what happened. Under her locker there were black garbages it reeked all over. She hurriedly closed her locker after getting all she needs for today. She went deep in thought after that. She must be thinking of a payback.

Well I don't blame her. The one that was super affected was Jine unnie she has been dieting so hard these days because Shownu called her fat and even posted a post it on her locker saying that. We were totally worried for her.

She would only eat 3 bananas a day and would have extreme exercise. This was the first time an insult gotten into her that much. We tried to ask her about it but she would only avoid our question and leave us.

Shownu POV

I felt really bad after calling her fat last month. When I saw her only eating a banana during lunch it breaks my heart. I see her growing weaker and thinner each day. I do have feelings for her but can't confess because it will just make things complicated between Monsta X and Oh My Girl. We are basically enemies and she basically hates me now.

Today I saw her at the garden leaning on a tree. She looked beautiful even though she looks weary and tired. I stared at her for a while then suddenly she fainted. I hurriedly went to her and carried her at the clinic. I was so worried.

"Oh Jine please hold on there don't die" I thought to myself worried

That was the only thing in my mind when we got to the clinic. The nurse just injected something in her and talked to me about her.

"Well she seems to not be eating healthy. She is diagnosed with esophagitis and anorexia. Has she ever vomited often these days because that maybe one of the side effects and did she only faint once or-" suddenly she got cutten off by the slam of the door revealing the Oh My Girl and Monsta X members.

"No this isn't the first time she fainted" Hyojung spoke up

"And she has also vomited many times this week" Seunghee added

"She has also been eating only 2-3 bananas each day which is not healthy for her" Mimi spoke up

"Arin and Jiho stay here to take care of Jine" Hyojung commanded then signalled us boys to come out and talk.

When we were outside the clinic Hyojung spoke up.

"Okay this is the last draw Monsta X we are finally ending this war for the sake of Jine and the other members. Because I don't want this to happen again. I care for my members more than myself and seeing one of them growing weak like this angers and saddens me"

"Starting today please oh please we're begging you don't bother or talk to us again and we will do the same too" Yooa said with a pleading face

"Well we can't just surrender to the war like that can't we" Wonho said

"And don't act like angels and trying to be peace makers here b*tches" Jooheon said

"We've already draw a line between us okay so please don't bother us ever again" Mimi said lastly then went inside the clinic

Yooa POV

"Everyone here will stop talking seeing or even having interactions with Monsta X clear and don't even mention their group name or their names" Hyojung unnie said angrily. We all went silent because this is the first time Hyojung unnie became this mad.

That was when we stopped talking, making contact or even interacting with them.

Thank you for reading everyone, hope you all loved this chapter. Please also check out my other stories:
- Trust (Jungkook and Yein fanfic feat Banglyz)
-Forbidden Love (Bang Yedam and Lee Chaeyoung fanfic)
-We got married (Sehun and Sejeong fanfic)
-High School Love On (Jimin and Yeri fanfic)
Well hope you enjoy this story. Don't forget to vote comment and follow me♡♡♡

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